At midnight, the door creaked open. Orwen dashed to his room and prepared to go to bed.After he finished .....changing, he jumped and landed on his bed.
After a whole day of playing with his friends, Jones and Joshua, he felt tired but satisfied.
He didn't even know when his eyes slowly closed and he drifted to sleep.
Hello. I'm Rolan. Go to the park right across the street and wait at the entrance. After you have gone to the park, stay at the entrance.
After Orwen heard the words, he suddenly woke up and decided to go to the park entrance to see what would happen.
Suddenly, when he went to the middle of the park entrance, he felt dizzy and
When Orwen woke up, he looked around he saw that he was in a house and there were people dancing around a campfire.
One of the people saw that he was awake and walked up to him.
"Welcome! My name is Jasper."
"Where am I?"
"You are in the town, Grange."
"Where is that? New York?"
"What is New York? Is it your donkey?"
"No. It's a city."
"There is no New York here in this world."