Calypso Dean

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"This is my rifle this is my gun this is for fighting and this is for fun" the quote was from Forrest Gump both Calypso and Ben Dean adored the movie really the only thing they both held dear since his mother died three years ago  the only activity that shone Ben's old self was hunting   like father like son sure enough the small Thirteen year old balanced a silvery old hunting rifle in his grip for the past four hours the duo had tracked a fine elk across the wildness towards Lakeside currently they resided in a bluff across from Ralph's the elk just below jutting in a crevice to drink from a stream running into the cave system 

"Alright now angle the shot just right" Ben whispered slowly and carefully ponting a aging finger towards the elk Calypso nodded he knew the basics aim the shoot and BANG fresh meat but as his mouth twitched a response Ben Dean vanished the scared boy let the shot echo as he looked at the empty space his father had once been 

"Dad?" he hissed his mind churned jokes obviously he laughed hotly to himself somehow that wise arse managed to scuttle away he would be at home cup of hot Coffee cackling like a Hyena as Calypso trudged in but as he approached there small one storey home he once shared with the man he saw no signs the normal corner of mud and muck there boots went it was empty the rack for coats shone the glossy pegs but no gruff black coats inside nothing desperately but with great care he scanned each room carefully even briefly scanning the small crawl space of a attic revealed a complete empty house finally he laboured to the door to his father's room the words his father had said for years coming back to him "If anything happens to me C don't stay here skip town and check my box" ever since he had been small he had wondered about the box it was in itself a small metal thing stuffed beneath a decade of junk at the back of his fathers wardrobe  

The Dean's had been Hunters as far back as the little boy could remember he was told tales about his family succeeding hunts that they were the pathing stone for America but staring at the box and its content he couldn't hide his awe a  Magnum BFR 45-70 sat at the bottom of the small space a couple hundred dollars tucked beneath its handle and a few hundred bullets for it he didn't even know if it was legal for this amount of guns in one household with his hunting rifle draped across his back he rested the gun in his palm it was quite heavy his fear had spiked it mere minutes outside of his little forest Calypso was a nobody in Lakeside he didn't go to school instead favouring a gritter run down by his father but if he had too he could socialse he visited the town sometimes he saw that girl Ashley Lardis and the boy Ryan a few times too if anyone was someone to talk to it was Ryan a boy he met three times at the local Carl's get information then Calypso would slink back into the shadows 

After all this was normal right?

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