Sel's P.O.V.
It's been four years since we all gave birth to Robella, RoseAlice, Allison and Camro, Matthew and Jasbella, with Ej and Jasper Lisle. I am still snuggled under the blanket sleeping but not for long because my cat cannon balled on the bed where her food was a few feet away on the dresser.
"Geez babe!" "I know its Halloween but don't mommy get to sleep in it only after Seven thirty?"I asked as I grabbed her and snuggled a few minutes under the covers.
She purrs happily since she Cannon balled me awake.
Suddenly the door burst open and Allison and Robella, Camro and Jasbella, RoseAlice and Matthew come running in and pounced on my bed with popcorn balls.
"Where's Ej and Jasper Lisle, and Jade and Jake?"I ask
"Here Mommy if you have one Daddy won't take it from us."said Robella handing a popcorn ball to me I immediately slam the door with my finger by a snap.
Suddenly the hidden elevator opened from inside my walk in closet and out came Jade and Jake, with Ej and Jasper Lisle both holding popcorn balls.
Jade and Jake being pushed in stroller type toys to help with walking.
"So its now 8:07 and we all have a popcorn ball who stolen it from the hiding spot. Because we're going to get two more bags if there's any left."I asked
Suddenly we all heard Rodney yell from the kitchen down stairs from our three story ranch house.
We all give a surprised look then I understood they took home made.
"I say start eating away."I whispered taking a bite out of mine the others doing the same so to replace the ones the kids took I snapped my fingers and more appeared on the tray.
Suddenly Rodney came in with a serious mad look.
"Ah I see you're in on it as well Del!"said Rodney abashed
"Lighten up have one daddy."said RoseAlice clapping her hand on her mine since her hand was full. Suddenly Rodney had a popcorn ball in his hand.
"But its not breakfast they haven't eaten yet."he said pointing to all the kids."
"So I did it before I ate candy and that before breakfast mom does it to. In fact I did it before I gotten with you so who cares."I said taking another bite out of my popcorn ball
He gave in and ate with us while watching scary goosebumps movies on TV with all the kids including Jade and Jake.
"So mommy what's you going to dress as for today spook?"asked RoseAlice
"Well hmmmm, a vampire princess devil."I said causing giggles to erupt
"What about you what's you going as RoseAlice?"I asked
"Katniss hunger games oh yeah!"she said giggling as Ej said Peeta.
"Star cross lovers."said Robella making a face "we'll I'm going as a mocking jay.
"I'm going as a vampire."said Jasper Lisle "Allison what's you going as?"he asked
"A cowgirl."she said
"I'm going to be spider dude."said Camro
"Matthew how bout you?"asked Allison looking at him
He looked back at her."I'm thinking a devil or would you prefer Batman?"he asked after a few minutes
"Devil is cool."she said looking away.
"Daddy what about you?"asked RoseAlice
"Hercules of course."he said