Chapter 2

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Hi my lovelys. Thank you for reading. I hope your enjoying it. If not thennnn, you know where the back option is :D.

Warnings- Bad Language


Alec's POV-

We went to the alley way and apperated to "Riddle" manor. We was were greeted at the door by two death eaters.

'Who are you and what is your buisness here?' one of them asked.

"They can see Ash, at least they can be trusted."

'He knows who and why we are here. No need to worry about wands I haven't got one and my friend here does not need one. You can search me if you'd like but I doubt my friend would like that very much,' I said to the guards.

'You go tell him. I'll sort these out,' one guard said. Thd other nodded and walked in. The one who stayed walked up to me and searched my body for a wand. They also used a spell to make sure the wand wasn't hidden. He then walked to Ash.

'Now why would you not like to be searched?' Asked the guard.

'Well would my staff say the reason why?' Ash reached up to his neck were he had turned the staff into a necklace with a cross, instead of a wand. He pulled the necklace off and it turned into its origanal form.

'R-Right. Sorry,' The guard basically squeaked. Obviously knowing who he was.

'Oh it's quite alright.' The other guard returned and said,

'Please come with me you two,' the guard said nervously as he saw the staff. We nodded and followed the guard into the manor.

As we walked, we saw portraits of the previous owners of the manor. One was blank. That was probably Gellerts one. The walk wasn't long and we arrived in front of a large burgendy door. The guard knocked and we entered after hearing a quiet "come in".

'Hello Tom. I'm hoping you got the message,' Ash said.

'Yes. Hello, Ash its good to see you again,' Tom replied.

'You too,' Ash answered.

'Hello there Alec,' Tom said, now looking at me nervously.

'Hello father,' I replied. Tom made his way in front of Alec.

'Can I hug you?' I was hesitant at first but then I thought "What the hell, why not?" I jumped forward and wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him tightly. Tom wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. 'I'm so sorry, son.'

'Its okay I forgive you dadda.'

'I'm guessing you would like to see your mother,' I nodded nervously. Dadda stepped back and put his wand against his mark, and called for mother. The mark was beautiful. It was a baby wrapped in a baby green blanket. It also had a snake like Ash's familiar around it but darker colours and blood red eyes. It also had bats around it. Although I gasped when I saw what it said on the blanket.

"My baby boy, Alec."

'Why me? Why choose the mark to be me?' I asked, still in shock.

'Well it kept a reminder of you. To remember why we fight. Otherwise, we would have given up ages ago.'

The sound of fire spitting brought our attention to the fire place. There stood my mother. I have no clue what came over me. But I ran to mother and wrapped my arms around him. He was obviously confused at first. But when he got wiff of my scent, I felt his arms around me. I, for some random reason, start sobbing.

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