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Taehyungs POV

"Jungkook wait up! "I shouted after Jungkook as he stormed off
" Leave me alone!"He yelled back as he walked towards the table where the beers layed.
"You seriously want to get drunk right now? "I asked him as he held the beer in his hand
" Its the only way I can forget about what happened. "
" I bet you never got drunk once in your life. "I smirked
" Oh yeah I got drunk many times. You could ask Jimin he'll know. "He said confidently
"Okay then. I also need an escape from the world so lets get drunk together." I said as I wasn't going to let him get drunk alone.

Jungkook took his first taste and the face he pulled was priceless.

"Not that bad. "Jungkook said
" Really? The face you pulled says otherwise. "I laughed
" Pfft.."He remarked and grabbed another bottle

We consumed about 2 more bottles and Jungkook was already totally wasted.

"Tae-Tae let's go get our groove on. "
" I don't dance. "
" But can't you dance just for me pwease."
"Fine. Just for you. "

The effect Jungkook has on me is so on another level.
He pulled me to go dance with the many other drunk people at the party.

" Oooooo this is fun. "Jungkook said slowly
" Yeah so fun. "I replied

We danced a bit more and then Jungkook pulled me upstairs.

" Tae or Tata?What do you prefer me calling you? "Jungkook asked as we approach the room
" I'm fine with either one. "
" Okaay. Oops! "Jungkook over the rug and I caught him just in time.
" Wow. I never realized how sexier you looked up this close. "Jungkook said as we were inches apart from one another
" Same goes for you my loveable bunny. "

I leaned in and our lips connected.

He moved his lips to the motion of mine and our tongues explored one another caverns.

We kept on making out until we were both out of breath.

Once we regained our breath, I started to devour his lips and he did mine. We stopped once again and we stared at each other.

Our eyes told us that this is something we wanted it for a long time.

" Would you mind us exploring something else? "Jungkook said seductively and started unbottoning my shirt.
" So my loveable bunny can be naughty I see. "
" Only for you I could Tata. "


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