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Chapter 1

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Money - love it or hate it, it, unfortunately, controls much of our lives.  From what we eat to where we live, the people we associate with to the holidays we take, cash is a factor in almost everything.  For me, I hate the pressure that money can bring into our lives - that feeling of buying something, swiping your card and typing your PIN with your fingers crossed, praying there's enough in the account.

I wanted to explore some different ideas around money in this tale - how it can bring out the best and the worst in people, and what it means to be truly rich.  To do that, I'm following the love stories of two women simultaneously as they fall for two men who are their opposites in almost every way.

So, put your money woes on hold as you dive into someone else's finances for a while :)  I hope you enjoy!  xxoo Kate

There was something so peaceful and stupid about the face of the man with the notepad in front of her, Lex wanted to slap him.  Smiling like a doe-eyed cow, he asked her what felt like the hundredth inane question.  "Are you a dog person or a cat person?"

"Neither," She replied, imbuing her voice with the maximum amount of irritation.  "Pets are pointless.  Next."

"Would you rather holiday at the beach or at the mountains?"

"I don't take holidays."

"But if you did-"

"I don't.  Pass.  Next."

"Alright, Alexandra-"

"Lex," she corrected him.  "Only my mother calls me Alexandra and she knows better than to bother me with any kind of nonsense me during business hours."

"Lex."  He remained infuriatingly placid in the face of her ire.  "Would you rather be known as a person who served people or someone who encouraged people?"

While he was speaking, her phone buzzed twice in her pocket; short for an email, and a longer vibration for another missed call.  The last of her patience evaporated.  "What the hell are these questions?  Neither!  I don't give a flying frozen frappuchino about people." 

She stood, balancing on her new Burberry boots.  They'd cost more than a return airfare between Sydney and London, but their ankle-length, unattainable appearance was perfect for intimidating inferiors.  "This is a complete waste of my time, and I'm leaving."

The man whose name wasn't important enough to remember looked up at her calmly.  "This is a strengths evaluation test, Lex, one which the HR department of your company finds valuable enough to send each of its team members over to me to complete."

"Then I'll make this easy for you."  She leaned forward over his desk, speaking in a soft and dangerous tone.  "You can write this down, because I can tell you exactly what my strengths are.  I'm determined.  I'm intelligent.  I'm focused.  I'll work as hard and as long as it takes to get to the top.  My driving force is money, and I don't think that's a bad thing.  My life has total clarity and purpose."

"Are you happy, Lex?" he asked, his head tilted in curiosity.

She barked in laughter.  "Nobody is really happy, mate.  Anyone who says otherwise is lying or deluded."

Her phone buzzed again and she was done.  Pulling it from the tight pocket of her sheath-like grey wool skirt, she dismissed him.  "Tell HR what I said," she said as she left his office.  She was expecting a strongly-worded email from the bitchy Human Resources women, but as a senior within the company, Lex was untouchable.

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