Chapter 4

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Tied Down by Jaymes Young


I had to wake up Eth and Meg since I woke up first. We take our showers and get changed. I put some joggers, a black sports bra, and Nikes. Ethan wore joggers, a t-shirt, and Nikes. Same with Meg. We walked out and went to the mess hall. We get our breakfast and sit down. I eat slowly but finish it. I can tell they everyone is still worried. There was small talk here and there.

We went to go train afterwards. Blake was training us. We did a warm up with the weights and then we went to where the dummies were. He instructed us on how to hit and kick it. We did that for a while and then we went for a run. We did a little more than a mile and then went to go get water. Meg was hitting a punching bag when we came in. I smile at her and turn back to Ethan.

"So wh-" I get cut off. Stellar comes in and calls for us. Why? Why now? We follow him. There's a distance between us. "What's the plan?" I whisper.  "Take in as much as you can. See if anything looks odd" Ethan whispers back. I nod. We walk to a different room this time. It's all white, the furniture, the walls, everything. He leads us to the table and sits down. I look around and see a screen.

"So why are we here" I say still looking around. "Well, we want to talk to you about your parents" Stellar responds. "Are they coming back?" Meg asks. "No sweetie." "Then what?" Eth says. "Well you guys have special DNA and we want to run more tests to see what exactly is in your DNA." "Why do you bring our parents in then?" I ask. "Well genes pass down and since your DNA is different, then your parent's must be. But there's a 50% of regular DNA and the other half of the different DNA."

I see the screen again. There's a guy tied down in a chair and hooked up to machines. It looked like they were electrocuting him. He was in pain what were they doing? "What's that?" Meg says motioning towards the screen. "That's an experiment. We are turning them into someone else. It's a good thing. They can help people." "Really cause they look like they're dying. Is that what your gonna do to all of us?" I ask growing mad. Ethan squeezes my arm under the table telling me to calm down. "No it's a good thing. You'll grow to understand." I scoff and roll my eyes. "We'll take more tests later this week."

We get out and go to the mess hall for lunch. "I don't want that bastard touching any of us" I say through gritted teeth. "Calm down. First we have to figure out what's up with our DNA. After we do that we find a way to escape" Eth says before we enter the mess hall. I nod and we get our lunch. I slightly toss my tray on the table and sit next to Blake. "Dickhead" I mutter. "What happened?" Alex asks. "First he mentions our parents, then our DNA is supposedly different, and he wants more tests" I say annoyed. "Did he say what's up with your DNA?" Hunt asks. "He just said it was different" I say. "Well that's weird" Bry says. I nod and eat.

"OH! You know what else happened?" Eth blurts out. "What?" Alex asked. "So they had a camera and there was this dude strapped up. It looked like they were electrocuting him. Stellar said that it was the experiment they were working on. He said it was a good thing and was going to do it to everyone." "They're crazy" Hunt says.

"We need a plan to escape" I say. "Yeah, I'm not staying here" Hunt said. Blake was just listening this whole time. He barely said a word. He does look tired, that's probably it. "We can figure this out tomorrow then" Eth said eating his food. We all nod. After we go to train for the rest of the night and eat.

When Meg fell asleep I went and sat on Ethan's bed. "So we need to know the way around this place" I say. "That's a must. We can make a blueprint too." "We'll play along till we get out." "We'll see how good security is, but by the looks of it, it's good. We'll have to find a way to lure the guards." "We'll figure it out." "We'll talk with the others later." "Goodnight E" I say putting my head against the side of his. "Night Nat." I head to my bed a turn off the lights. We will find a way to escape this.

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