Chickenpox Problems

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*Liam's POV*

Well, it finally happened. It made the rounds at Harry's school, and now somehow Niall ended up with the chickenpox. We thought it was just a cold until Louis noticed little red spots all over his tummy when he was changing him. Luckily, the rest of us have all had the chickenpox, but poor Niall has been itching for a few days and been miserable the entire time. We've had to keep him in a sleeper so he won't scratch his body and mittens so he won't scratch his face. Medicated lotions and oatmeal baths can only do so much. 

Niall hardly eats any of his breakfast, which is unusual for him. We cuddle on the sofa for a while because he cries if I try to do anything else. 

"Daddy..." Niall cries as I try to put him down for a nappy change. He's been so clingy and doesn't want to be put down for a second. 

"I know, bubba, I know. You don't feel good at all." 

"Up! Up! Daddeeeee!!!"

"Let Daddy change you first. Then we'll put some cream on and then you can have a nap with Daddy." He just cries harder when I don't pick him up right away. 

"I know. Daddy's so mean, changing your nappy and putting cream on your itchies. So so mean. My poor baby." After slathering him in some kind of medicated lotion, I zip him back into his sleeper and pick him up for a little cuddle. He wraps his arms around me and tucks his head into my neck.

"Daddy...." he whines and sniffles. 

"I know, bud. Let's go have a nap and maybe you'll feel better after that. Hmm?"

"Daddy," he whines again. 

"Daddy's got you," I say as I rock him in my arms. I grab his favorite toy and dummy before walking out of the room. "Let's have a little cuddle and a nap in Daddy's bed." I pop his dummy in his mouth and tuck his stuffie under his arm after I lay him down on the bed. "Then we'll go get Harry and then eat some lunch. How does that sound?" I ask him as a I lay next to him. He doesn't answer. Just cuddles up to me and closes his eyes before falling asleep. I give him a kiss on his forehead before I set an alarm for 11:30 (so we wake up in time to go pick up Harry) and settle down for a nap of my own. 


I wake up a while later to my phone, though it's not my alarm tone. It's my normal ringtone. I pick it up quickly and check Niall, who seems to have slept through the ringing.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Mr. Payne-Tomlinson? This is Miss Anna, Harry's teacher."

"Yes. Is he okay?" I rub my eyes, still trying to wake myself up. 

"Well.... He's a little upset. Pick up is normally at noon. "

My heart sinks. "What time is it now?" I look around the room for a clock, but there isn't one. Why don't we have a damn clock in our room?!


Oh my God. I'm a horrible parent. And now that I'm listening, I can definitely hear Harry crying in the background. "I'll be right there. Can I speak to Harry, please?" I ask as I'm scooping Niall up, slipping on the closest shoes I can find, and dashing down the stairs.

I hear her pass the phone over and Harry sniffles into the phone. "Daddy?" he hiccups into the phone.

"Harry! Baby, I'm so sorry. Daddy will be right there."

"You forgetted me Daddy."

"I know baby. Daddy's so sorry." I buckle a still sleeping Niall into his carseat. 

Chances - 1D KidFicWhere stories live. Discover now