Meeting Blue-Berry

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The Guild needed one more member to join the ranks to be an official group that could make money and go on missions. They were going to ask someone when the Doors opened, a figure cladded in all black making their way into the room. A blue hand tipping their hat forward all that could be seen from the stranger was their sharp white teeth.

Once getting over to the group the stranger would remove the hat and long trench coat, revealing a blue skinned Water Genasi wearing simple pirate attire.

Once getting over to the group the stranger would remove the hat and long trench coat, revealing a blue skinned Water Genasi wearing simple pirate attire

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"My name, Is Blue-Berry Wave. But you can call me Blue. I'd like to join your group"

This is how I am hoping I can get Blue introduced into the guild. if so. Awesome.

This chapter I am laying out the basics of who Blue-Berry is in the Dnd world.

Basic Information:

Name: Blue-Berry Wave

Nickname: Blue (Or if your a halfling monk name Ceacea- Blubelblue )

Gender: No one knows. Blue never reveals a gender, but will allow any pronoun to be used.

Age: 37

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 165 lbs

Class: Sorcerer

Race: Water Genasi

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Background: Pirate (Was a captain for many years. Captain Blue)

Now With the background being the variant of the Sailor background the next few information tidbits comes from the rolls I made and what they lined up with on the chart.

Personality Traits: "I never pass up a friendly wager"

Ideals: Master- "I'm a predator, and the other ships are my prey"

Bonds: "I'll always remember my first ship"

Flaws: "I can't help but pocket loose coins and other trinkets I find"

This next tidbit is about Blue's race the Water Genasi.

Water Genasi are one of four element variants that a Genasi can be.

Genasi's are the children of a mortal and a Genie, hence their appearance will often be different though they can retain traits from their mortal parent.

For Blue their mortal parent was a human, Blue has the ears and height from their human parent. Blue also does not know who their Genie parent is as most Genies do not care about their Genasi children.

Due to being a Water variant Blue has Blue skin.

Blue's skin and hair will also be naturally damp on a 24/7 basis being they are water. 

Blue's hair will also act as if it is underwater, moving in strange ways. Blue keeps their hair up in a ribbon as to contain it's watery nature.

Blue has never cut their hair and never plans to cut it.

Water Genasi have a few special abilities.

They are Acid Resistant, Amphibious (Meaning Blue can breath underwater as well as on land)

And once at level three (Blue is currently at level 2) They learn Call to the Wave. This allows Blue to create or destroy ten gallons of water once every long rest (8 hours)

The languages that Blue knows thanks to being a water Genasi is Common and Primordial.

Primordial is a language that is spoken through sounds like grunts huffs and such. Like that of an animal.

Another skill that Water Genasi have specifically is the ability to control water at will. They do not need to have any skill level or initiative to be able to control water.

More about Blue and their personal life and backstory, plus behavior.

Blue grew up in a coastal region but was quickly abandoned by their mortal parent due to their odd appearance. Blue grew up on the streets and had to outwit the public just to survive.

When Blue was fifteen their little town was raided by Pirates, Blue having never seen a pirate ship before wanted a closer look at these strangers, not caring to what they did to the village. After all the village had already abandoned the teen.

Stowing away on the ship Blue was eventually found by the captain and was thrown off the ship. However due to being a Water Genasi Blue was unaffected and climbed right back onto the ship. This impressed the Captain enough to decide to accept Blue as part of the crew.

Blue stayed with the crew till they were eighteen. By then Blue had started dabbling in sorcery, finding it interesting. Already knowing how to control water Blue was a strong asset to the crew.

When Blue decided that they wanted to start up on their own, the decision came with opposition from everyone as They had come to see Blue as part of the family.

But at the next stop Blue was determined to become a famous captain like their own captain, who they looked up too in admiration.

Though saddened the captain decided to see Blue off and gave Blue so much so that they could start up.

This was the last time Blue would ever see the old crew. A horrid storm doing them in years later.

With only a sack of gold and the clothes on their back Blue made their way to the harbor, they would start off with seeing what they could get boat and crew wise. Blue wanted to have a crew that they could see as like a family.

Blue wanted to be a well respected captain by those they commanded. But first Blue needed to get a reputation for themselves. Being young and appearing clueless, Blue would have some troubles in the beginning.

It was going to take a full year before Blue was able to sail the open seas again. 

Blue started off small, deciding to do parlor tricks as to get more money, and with these tricks Blue would also start to see who would be good fits to join their crew.

With their odd appearance and water controlling abilities Blue caught the eyes of many. Some with fear and disgust, but others with wonder and cheerfulness. The ones who didn't seem bothered by Blue's appearance. 


I will continue this story Tomorrow. Only next chapter will be in Blue's perspective!

Adventures of Blue-BerryWhere stories live. Discover now