Dream Running Part 3 -Elijah (fluff)

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Elijah's POV

Which scared me, I felt as though I couldn't live with out her, as if she died I would die on the inside, and I didn't want either to come true. I watch as Rebekah holds both of her hands with one of Y/N hands as she closes her eyes, I knew what Rebekah was trying but I only hoped it work, and that whatever witch did this didn't block her mind from us.


Elijah's POV

I watched as Rebekah sat on the edge of my bed holding her hand trying to enter her mind, I woundered if it work, and as a five minutes went by I figured as it work as I saw a smile cross Rebekah's lip as she sighed. I sat on the other side of Y/N, opposite of Rebekah as I wait for Rebekah to come back from Y/N's mind so we could figure out our next move. I felt Klaus's presence enter so I turned to look at him, he had a sad look on his face as I know he has taken a liking to her like a sister, and I decided as I needed some air so I walked past Klaus out of my room to get some fresh air.

Rebekah's POV

Once I grab Y/N's hand and close my eyes, I was able to access her through her mind, and once I was inside her head I pulled the Mikaelson compound up in her mind to talk with her. I was in the open area on the main floor sitting in a chair as she walked in the room with a worried look. I knew I had to get Davina to help her as this has to be Witch related so hopefully she could help Y/N.


I was a little bit freaked out but was also really worried about everyone else, especially Elijah, and when I walked in the open area on the main floor to see Rebekah sitting and waiting for me. This must be in my head as the last thing I remember is me passing out in Elijah's arms after he caught me from falling over the railing on the second floor. As I sat next to Rebekah as I asked her, "Get Davina, hopefully she can help."

Rebekah says, "I already thought of getting Davina, I will talk with my brothers after this, how are you handling this?" "I don't know right now Rebekah as I'm a bit freaked out as I don't know why this is happening to me," I say as my hands start to shake a little from my anxiety and I feel as though I'm about to have a panic attack or an emotional breakdown. "Rebekah, I need help, I can't calm down," I say with pleading eyes.

Rebekah pulls me close to her to hold me hoping to help calm me down, I've had these in the past as very few people I let know about this, and Rebekah, Camille, Hayley, and Davina are the only ones I've told about this besides my parents knowing when they were alive. I realize it's not working and I look up at Rebekah as I say, "I-It's not-t w-working Rebekah." "Shit, bloody hell, what do you want me to do Y/N?" she asks me.

I took a second to think waying my opinions, I was scared of Elijah to see this part of me as I feared he wouldn't like me because of it, and on the other hand that's the only other person I could think of that had a chance of calming me down. So I thought 'screw it, might as well take a damn chance' and I looked at Rebekah as I said, "Get Elijah before it gets worse." "Ok," she said.

Elijah's POV

I was pacing as I was taking deep breathes to calm myself and thought I should let Hayley know since they are like best friends and sisters. I pulled my phone out to call Hayley as it ringed twice before she picked up the phone.

(Hayley and Elijah)

"Yes Elijah?"

"Hayley, it's Y/N, something is wrong, can you get Davina."

"What?! Yes! We're on our way to go get her now! See you when we get there. Bye"

"Thanks, I'll explain when you get here, bye."

I hang up my phone as I staired at the background of me and Y/N making silly faces that we made one night hanging out getting drunk, well she got drunk. I smiled thinking back to that night remembering the fun we had talking and what not, it was a night I really enjoyed. Then I herd, "Elijah!!!!" And realized it was Rebekah calling me to the room so I ran as fast as I could to my room to make sure Y/N was alright.

When I was in the room I instantly heard Y/N's heartbeat as it was faster then it should be and saw her body shaking a bit. I was hurt to see her like that as I ask Rebekah, "What's happening Rebekah?" "I can't get her to bloody calmed down, I was able to talk to her in her mind but this started in the middle of us talking and it's freaking her out a bit as she hates this when it happens," Rebekah answers while still holding Y/N's hand as she adds, "and she wants you to help her with this and I'm sure she'll explain afterwords but she needs help now! Before it gets worse emotionally for her!" I went to Y/N's other side to take her hand and close my eyes to enter her mind.

 I was hurt to see her like that as I ask Rebekah, "What's happening Rebekah?" "I can't get her to bloody calmed down, I was able to talk to her in her mind but this started in the middle of us talking and it's freaking her out a bit as she hates ...

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"Good luck Y/N," Rebekah says before Elijah appears out of thin air and Rebekah disappears. Elijah sits next to me with a worried look as he asks, "What can I do Y/N? How can I help?" "J-Just hold m-me," I answered as I felt a warmth spreading through me due to the fact of me having this attack right know. Elijah carefully pulled me close to him as he put his arms around me as I stuck my face in his chest hoping this works.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2019 ⏰

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