New home

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*Before the story starts ash can talk to pokemon using aura*
'Mom what are you doing here' and then she says "well i was thinking you to you enrolled in pokemon school and prinicipal oaks agrees with me so from tommorow onwards you will start pokemon school"
And now
Ash writes in his notebook 'I am ok with it maybe i will find new freinds'
Delia ash's added "and your soulmate" and ash writes while he is getting embrassesd 'MOM' prinicipal oak finially speaks "um sorry distibure your talk but ash hasnt found his soulmate yet" delia speaks "no prinicipal ash hasn't found his soulmate yet and his soulmate is a he"
Prinicipal oak speaks "oh i see" ash then finally writes "can you stop talking about that" prinicipal oal and delia speaks "ok" delia then says "ash honey i will be leaving tomorrow and you will live with professer kukui and please be careful of team skull and dont get involve with them and carry your notebook" ash then writes 'ok i understand' prinicipal oak says "come ash i will be leaving you at professer kukui home and i will explain him" delia says "bye ash" ash signs 'bye mom'.
*after principal oak left ash at professer kukui home and after explaining explain it to professor Kukui*
Professor Kukui says"oh i understand" and now starts ash's life and will he will find his soulmate you will find that in next chapter and another thing ash has long hair so except Kukui and prinicipal oak and all his travelling partner's so including who thinks ash is a girl is the alola gang so
Words: 278

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