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jun went out to look for minghao, he drove all the way to busan to find him.

jun texted him like hell and called him like crazy. he was getting worried. it was midnight when jun arrived at minghao's dorm room.

jun climbed up the stairs being quite and careful as possible to not wake up others. it all was a familiar feeling since jun has been here before to celebrate minghao's birthday.

step by step, he got closer. he twisted the door knob sadly it was locked. he remembered that minghao always puts spare keys under the carpet.

fortunately he found it. unlocking the door bursting inside immediately.

"honey! minghao? why didn't you answer my text or my calls lately". jun shouts across the living hall.

he runs to minghao's bedroom door. opening it in a matter of seconds.

"mingyu? what are you doing to hao". his voice got slower and deeper. the disgusting sight he saw was his husband making out with his roomate.

they immediately put place together, buttoning up their clothes.

"forget it xu minghao". jun left with simple words.

"no jun... listen to me. i-i never loved you so don't think i'm ever going back to you". minghao's voice became raspy and jun heard it cracked a bit.

"okay, it was nice meeting a bitch like you". jun slammed the door before running out to his car. tears threatening to fall down his cheeks.

sweet sorrow | junhaoWhere stories live. Discover now