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"I cant believe we need to do a blood test." Sighs Ochaco, better known as Uravity. She had always hated needles, and blood, so that didnt really mix well for her.

"You're not alone with that statement, i hate blood." Tenya mumbles, for once not acting like a robot.
"You do know its just a pinch, right? I'll be before you both if you're too scared." Izuku offers, earning a nod from his friends. They pushed him in front of them, not at all reluctantly.

All the other classes but theirs had taken a blood test already, and only five people to go. In front of Izuku was Denki, and Momo stayed at the back, a bit nervous.

Izuku took a gulp of air as Denki walked in, not really liking blood much himself. It took two minutes until Denki Karminari walked out, two bandages on his arms. Izuku walked in and sat on the white chair. He saw two teachers there, making sure nobody would try and run and such.

He put his right arm on the armrest for it to be done. He felt a pinch and then felt a bit of metal moving a bit in his arm, gross. The first vile had been done within a minute, so he put his left arm on the other armrest, knowing it would make it go faster.

It happened again, making Izuku almost jump. He sat there, bored, until his arms got wrapped up, thanks to there not being any more bandaids.

He waved to Tenya and Ochaco.
"Its not bad, dont be nervous." He grins, as Ochaco walks in. He walks up to Tenya, explaining it wont be that bad before he got called in. He waved to Iida before walking over to Ochaco.

"That was terrifying, i almost passed out because of it." She groans, making Izuku let out a laugh.
"But still, it wasnt that bad." Ochaco nods, agreeing.
"Yeah, the teachers also said they'll be getting it done, and they'll also be looking through relations, so we can see if a student is related to a villain. So look through your family tree if you can." She explains, waving to Tenya as he walked out.

He caught up with what had been said easily, and just followed them until they got back to class. They each sat down in their seats, waiting for Mr Aizawa, as Momo had walked in right after them.

The black haired teacher had walked in five minutes later, with, just like the students, bandages on his arms.

He started to quiet everyone down, and passed some worksheets out for the lesson. He started to explain the subject, ignoring the chatter among the students, and all their theories. Bearly any students actually know what the blood test is for.

It took a while for the lesson to end, and thankfully, it was the final period of the day. Deku had ended up running home (since today they were allowed to go to their house and not sleep in the dorms), spending too much time talking about the day with his friends. He came home a minute before his deadline, and walked in panting.

He done what he'd usually do, but instead of spending time in his room, he decided to ask his Mother a question.
"Mum." He calls out, the said woman jumping as she got mentioned. She turns around room the kitchen, having started dinner already. She asked what he wanted, putting a tomato down.

Deku started to ask questions about whatever came to mind when he thought about the day, getting a bit disappointed when his Mum didnt reply.

He sighed, walking back to his room. He closed the door and sat fell down on his bed, knowing it would be a rough few days, since when something eventful happens, something life threatening usually pops up too.


It had been three days since the school had done the blood test, and the results just started to come in on Monday, when all the students had started to come to class.

As Izuku walked in, sitting down in his seat, he felt eyes burn into his back in a stare. He ignored it, thinking it was probably something about his DNA, since it ended up being Aizawa staring. Izuku had, just like everyone else, came fifteen minutes before the bell, for the results if the teachers would tell them.

He started up a conversation with Tenya, waiting for Ochaco to arrive. Talking about school turned into a talk about their families, and Iida was a bit disappointed to hear that Izuku didnt get an answer from his questions.

Around a minute before the bell rung, Ochaco ran in, panting. She ran over to her seat and sat down.
"Sorry im late, i had to help my parents with something." She explains as she walked past them.
"Its alright, im going to sit down, class is about to start." Tenya walks over to his seat, yelling out class is about to start before sitting down.

Everyone remained quiet as the bell rung, and as Aizawa Sensei walked up to the front.
"Right, now, down to business. Firstly, the blood test had been anylized, so we may give you your results if we don't need them. Secondly, Midoriya, you are dismissed from the lesson and maybe half the day, meet Present Mic and AllMight in the Teachers Lounge. Come back if you wish."

Deku felt eyes stare at him as the retired Pro Hero, and current Pro Hero was mentioned.
"But, stay here until the actual lessons start. Alright, thirdly, Iida, as class representative you will be helping us teachers with the class results, and we'd like you to keep a certain detail secret." He felt Aizawa stare at him as he said that. Tenya nods, taking a glance to where Aizawa was looking.

"Now, lastly, todays lesson on English and Rescue training are either moved or cancelled, due to Present Mic and a personal matter, and due to a previous class destroying where we train. Midoriya-" He looks at Izuku. "You are now dismissed."

Deku nods, grabbing his bag and standing up. He walks out of class, feeling eyes turn away from him as Aizawa starts a lecture of what the lesson is. He bit his lip, navigating his way to the Teachers Lounge with a nervous expression across his face. He stops at the door, and knocks on it, having it open almost immediately after.

"H-Hey AllMight, Present Mic." He mumbles. They grab his arm and drag him in, closing the door after. They make him sit on the couch, almost throwing him on there.

"Alright you two, i know you dont know why youre both here, so allow me to explain." Present Mic had also sat down, and looked at Nezu, who they hadn't noticed until now. "Due to the blood test, we have found something out which you two probably dont know about."

"Wait- how does this concern a teacher and a student? Wouldnt you just need to tell the teachers?" They noticed AllMight place something on the table, then leave without a word.
"No, not exactly. I'll leave you two to it then, read those, they are the results on your dna." Principal Nezu then leaves with a smile still on his face.

Hizashi and Izuku look at eachother in confusion.
"Well.. lets get this over with."

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