Chapter 3

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Clint walked to the pantery and gave Bones a ton of sugar and a spoon,"Here" he said ."Score! Thanks Clinton " Agent Bones said before walking along the counter and placing themselve on top of the fridge . "Is this natural" Wanda asked . "Yes" Clint ,Natasha and Agent Bones said in sync. Agent Bones opened the sugar and placed the spoon in just as Director Fury walked in. "Bones" he said , which made them give a long over dramatic sigh and place the sugar down before hopping off the fridge. "Waddja want Nikky " The agent said with irratation in their voice. "Don't give me that attitude" he replied in anger. ,"Whatever Director Nik Nak, I got a press conference to attend to" with that they walked past Fury to the elevator.

Agent Bones P.O.V

I walk past Nick to the elevator and wait until the doors open untill I step out. I walk out of the building and see a ton of reporters. "Hey guys, it's me, Agent Bones and also, Keeper of the biggest secret .... Now who wants to see my alter ego, hmm" I ask. The press go crazy after that statement. "Now,now. I want to show ya'll my identity because it's about time, right?" Again the press are eating this up. I grab the top of my mask and rip it off showing the world my beautiful hazel eyes and long dark-blond hair. "I gotta go,things to do and what not, so good bye.....for now. Do what you want with this information. Kayla out!" With that I turn and walk into Avengers Tower with my mask in hand.

No-One's P.O.V

Clint,Petrov,Peter,Bruce and Steve were all staring at the live footage of the press  conference with mouthes agape. Natasha was smirking. Bucky,Tony,Wanda and Sam were all in awe of the female that single-handedly took down Bucky. Fury was glaring at the elevator doors waiting for Agent Bones.

The elevator dinged signaling the arrival of Agent Bones. As soon as she entered, she turned to Clint. "Barton, I believe you owe Tasha 100 bucks" she smirked as Clint begrudgling gave Natasha 100 bucks. Kayla continued walking to the kitchen and when the Avengers followed they saw that she had placed herself back on the fridge with the sugar in hand. She took a spoonful of sugar and popped it into her mouth eating the sugar like it was the most normal thing in the world. She stopped after the fith bite and looked at the Avengers. Everyone except Clint, Natasha and Director Fury were looking at her in confusion. "What?" She asked. "Your eating sugar just like that!?" Bruce asked. "Yeah, so"you replied. " That isn't healthy!!!" Peter yelled. "Ooh ok, I see the problem here. You think I'm human. HA... I'm not, I'm a goddess" she said before continuing. "Ok, like Thor?" Tony asked. Kayla started choking on the sugar as soon as she heard the name 'Thor'. Once her coughing was under control, she spoke up " You guys know Thor and Loki?". "Yeah ,why? Steve asked. "Hell no! I ain't staying here a second longer if, if Thor sees me I am not 100% sure it won't knock his ass out. With that she jumps off the fridge and grabs two bottles of vodka and the sugar and leaves the tower. "That was strange wanda mumbled before leaving as well.

Time skip (three days later)
Kayla POV

I get off my motorcycle that I stashed at one of my safe houses and I look at the building that is Midtown high school of Science and Technology and smile to my self as I enter the school fully intended to find a certain spiderling. As I walk down the corridors I hear the kids whispering and taking photos, the face reveal is still the hottest topic. I hear someone being bullied so I listen to my surroundings carefully "Yo penis Parker are you going to introduce me to Agent Bones through your totally fake internship" I lost my temper and gave the most bone chilling and creepy smile I can muster and whistle call my Dramora lords.

As I hear them coming I start singing the phrase Somebody is going to die on repeat and the kids stick to the walls to get as far away from me as possible. Smart kids. I skip down the hallway gleefully looking for the culprit as i turn the corner I see the spiderling on the ground and some prick bothering him. "Oi leave Stark's intern  alone or so help me I will mess you up so bad that people will die just from looking at you" I snarled and the boy looked like he just wet himself and he bolted away. "Moron" I mumbled as I helped the little spider to his feet. "Your Tony's intern .... Peter right?" I question and he gave a relieved sigh that I didn't give away his secret identity. "Yes Ma'am" I gave him a pat on the back and walked further down the hallway before seeing that Peter wasn't following and I gave a dejected sigh "Kid come on I have things to do so come along or I will get one of my Dramoras to carry you" he looked around as the Dramoras came and he walked with me. "Sign out, ride to park and then what" I mumbled to myself. When we reached the office I sighed Peter out of school for the day on behalf of his internship and we walked to my motorcycle and I got on and looked at him expectedly "well" I said. He hesitantly got on and I sped off.

Time skip
At Coney Island

As I get off Peter looks at me with child like wonder "Why did you bring me here" I shrugged "its fun". "I mean why me" he corrected "why not the other avengers" I looked at the ground and gave a weak shrug "You seemed fun and I wanted to be your friend you know be friends with someone who doesn't want to use your powers or who is always serious" he smiled brightly "I would love to be your friend come on let's go ride the cyclone" he said as he dragged me along and I laughed before running and pulling him along. We went on the cyclone three times and played many games before we ended up on the ferris wheel.

"What are you the god of" he asked as we reached the top. "That's simple I'm the goddess of battle I never loose a fight and I can get almost anyone to fight for me I can create wars and stop them with just a look" I answered. Peter gaped at me in wonderment "REALLY" He shouted. I chuckled and nodded. "Can I ask you something" Peter said as he took a bite of his corn dog. "Yeah sure" I smiled at him in curiosity. "Why don't you like Mr thor and Mr loki"

"Umm I like loki but I hate thor because he was my ex fiancée you see we had an arranged marriage that way Odin's eldest would be wed and I would have to help protect Asgard and her people but Thor was an idiot and got banished from Asgard and fell in love with a mortal named Jane when he finally returned he told me the news unawares that during the time I met him I fell for him, I was heartbroken and Odin was furious with his son. I snuck out of Asgard heartbroken  with the help of Loki who understood my pain, from then I refused to let people in and I locked my heart away. So as you can see I took a chance with befriending you" I finished as we got off the ride and Peter hugged he tightly and I wholeheartedly hugged back. "I promise as your friend I will protect you from the people who want to hurt you" I smiled at his statement and.

After walking around for a bit longer before I took Peter home.


Hey here is another chapter so enjoy sorry I haven't posted in forever anyway thanks for reading and please leave suggestions for the plot


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