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We all have those moments. The ones that you pretend don't bother you but you go home and cry about later. The moments that keep you up at night wondering what you did wrong and thinking about what you could've done. One of those moments is the reason I am here, on the steps in front of a random building in Atlanta, Georgia. I just can't get the thought through my head...

I don't have a home any more...

I don't have a home any more...


Yep, okay, now I get it and I'm also crying. I wasn't sure if I was crying before but I am definitely crying now.

You see, my mom died two years ago. My dad didn't take it too well and still doesn't. He has been oddly quiet since the day she died and two weeks ago he started leaving. Every night at 5:00 he would leave and I wouldn't see him again until 5:00 the next day when he left again. I never knew why he left. I had no clue where he was going. I didn't know.

Until today.

I had gotten home from my graduation (I am 17) and my dad was waiting for me at the kitchen table which was a surprise and he was with a woman which was an even bigger surprise. The woman was stick thin, dressed in slutty clothes, had a lot of make up piled onto her face, and was wearing so much spray tan that she was as orange as Snooki.

"Carly, honey, this is Dakota," my dad said.

"Nice to meet you," I greeted Dakota.

"Hmmph" was the only response I got.

"Any ways you've probably noticed that I have been leaving each evening," my father said.

I nodded.

"Well, it's because for the past two weeks I have been going out with Dakota and we've decided to get married," my dad told me.

"What?! It's only been two weeks since you met and and only two years since your WIFE died!" I said to him.

"Calm down and stop yelling, this won't affect you in any way because Dakota doesn't like kids. Sorry, Carly, but you have to move out." he told me matter-of-factly. I can't believe hes going to marry the little- wait a second, did he just say that I had to leave?

"But-" I tried to protest.

This time it was Dakota who spoke up. "Get out of here you little brat. You've been nothing but a bother to your poor daddy your whole life, so leave. We never want to see you again." she snapped.

The next thing I knew, I was running and before I knew it I was on the steps of the building, where I am now.


idk if this is good or not but I'm gonna go with it for now.

its sad right now but dont worry, the next chapter is happier.... Harry shows up in that chapter (;




:) <--- a smile for you!

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