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I grasped my black cloak, put it on and zipped it up. I then grabbed a mask I had bought once I got more time and tied it on. I put my hood up, and went out. A door two rooms down creaked. I stopped.
"It's okay, it's just me," Evan whispered, beginning to tiptoe over.
"You scared the crap out of me Evan!" I whisper-shouted.

We went down the stairs, skipping the creaky boards. We came to the cupboard and opened the trapdoor again, and climbed down. We squeezed through the narrow corridor and travelled up the staircase. We arrived, however, lots of people wielding guns were sleeping on posts. I caught my breath, praying we wouldn't be caught.

We passed by. We saw it.

A gleaming silver lever, sparkling in the moonlight. It was covered by a thick layer of glass, and so I typed the family's glass code in - it was basically just tapping on the corners and then in the middle - and it steadily came open. I brushed my fingers against it and th-

I was grabbed from behind as whoever this person was covered my mouth. I tried to yell, to scream, to anything, but no sound escaped my lips. I eventually gave up hope, and this person tied my wrists behind one of the posts. They wore a black hoodie, and had hazel eyes. She grasped a time-draining needle in her hand.
"Say bye-bye," the girl said. "Your replacement is already drained."

I looked for Evan, and saw him lying dead.

"Halee! No!"

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