( c h a p t e r t w o)

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Amelia's pov.

I woke up alone in daniel's bed, i looked around before hearing zach yelling at someone to shut up. On my tippy toes i opened the door. Downstairs i saw everyone  just starting to eat breakfast. "Hello" i said quietly, daniel looked over to me and smiled. "How did you sleep princess?" He asked kissing my head. "Good" i said smiling a bit, he nodded and set me down on a chair. "Hey munchkin?" said jonah at me, "do you want waffles?" I thought for a second and nodded a bit.
After finishing them, i got up to put my plate in the kitchen. I didn't see zach who was getting out of the kitchen for another waffle, causing me to bump on him and him drop the waffle on my head. The honey sticking to my hair, i leaned over  and let the waffle fall off my head, "ew" i said cringing. Kay was holding a laugh and smiled to me. "Uhh.. sorry?" He said, i looked at him with a disgusted face. He snickered before hiding me behind him. Then picking me up and putting a blanket over me, "your dad better not see you" he walked slowly to the stairs. "Why are you holding the blanket like that?" I heard jonah ask him. He quickly said "nothing" and walked a bit faster to the stairs. Daniel went and took the blanket off me, seeing me in zach's arms. I smiled a bit, "hi" i said in a tiny voice. "Zach what did you do?!" Zach looked at me then at daniel before smiling shaking like. "It was an accident! I didn't mean it!" The honey on my hair was now on my pijamas. Daniel sighed and picked me up from his grap before going up the stairs.

He turned on the tap in the bathroom. Before choosing clothes for me.
"Come here little cookie" he said to me. I went to him slowly and closed the door. He was going to see my bruises and cuts. No one could see them! At the orphanage the people at trusted the most had seen them when they gave me baths.
"Are you mad?" I asked in a tiny voice. He shook his head, "why would i be?"
"Because i hid in zach's arms under a blanket" he shook his head again and smiled at bit. He went to get a towel and told me to take off my clothes to get in the bath. But didn't budge. i stayed still, my arms held Firmly over my tummy not Wanting to let him see my bruises and abused places. Daniel came back, he sighed and kneeled in front of me. Thinking i couldn't take off my clothes. Well i couldn't either so..
I didn't let him and held my arms close to me, firmly. I shook my head, "im not gonna hurt you" he said a bit of worry in his voice. I shook my head again and started crying, "im sorry" he said pulling me to a hug. He patted my back.
He tried to help me again but i pushed him hands away. At the end he took of my shirt, making him see the cuts and bruises, "god" he said turning me. "Who did this to you?" He asked worried. "Spencer" i whispered. I was sobbing as he held me close to him. "Its okay, i promise i wont let him near you"

I was now in the bath playing with bubbles while he washed my hair, "stay still" he said, i was splashing the water throwing bubbles everywhere and throwing bath toys at him.... like a hurricane!. I calmed down and stayed still for the rest of the bath, "you can move you know" he said laughing. I started playing bubbles again making a beard with them. "Im jonah, im old. I like coffee" i said in a deep voice.
"Hey!" I heard him say passing by the bathroom. I was laughing, while daniel laughed too rinsing the bubbles ofd my face and wrapping me in a towel.
He chose jeans with a light purple jumper, he dried my hair and out my hair into a ponytail. I made a big smile to him before making grabby arms to him. He held me close while humming a song. "Thank you for not freaking out" i said, he nodded kissing my forehead. Downstairs tina and the girls where talking while dadd- i mean dani talked with the others. I went with tina and the girls since they looked a bit more fun... no offense. Tate grabbed me and held me in her arms. "Hey bub" she said kissing my head, i smiled at her before cuddling to her side. At the  end the girls conversation was pretty boring they where talking about pregnancy... i dont really know what it means...

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