vii. purple bras and capri suns

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Once they arrived at Mike's house, Cayla quickly thanked Paul and his car. As she walked with grace, he couldn't help but take his eyes off of her. 'She has a boyfriend' he thought to himself, But, his wolf side didn't seem to care. So he had to use all of his energy into resisting the imprint, and put the car into drive, taking one last look at the love of his life.

    Then Cayla reached the door, and as she stood closely to it as she raised her arm and she gently knocked her fist against it. After waiting for a few moments she saw her boyfriend with an annoyed look on his face, not yet realizing who it was.

   When he did take in who it was he suddenly became wide-eyed. "Hey babe, what are you doing here?" He asked.

    "Uhm, coming to see you, unless you don't want me to. Are you okay? You seem off." Cayla questioned. Why was he being so suspicious?

   The boy sighed. "I don't appreciate you coming to my house out of nowhere without even asking."

    "I just thought—"

    "No Cayla, you didn't think."

    "First of all, I'm your girlfriend if you forgot. I thought it would be nice to surprise you, but now I don't think that it's such a good idea. Secondly, can you please tell me what made you think you could talk to me like I'm a fucking doormat. And thirdly—" Cayla paused as she looked past his figure that was blocking most of the doorway.

    There was a bra. A purple bra lying on the ground not to far away from them. It was lacy, and it definitely was not Cayla's. Her and Mike never went that far when it came intimacy. And the only person that lived with him was his dad, so it couldn't have just been a family members dirty laundry. Cayla fumed as she realized what was going on.

    She shoved him out of the doorway,  feeling a burst of strength.

    Cayla leaned down and picked up the bra by one of the straps, "And who does this belong to?"

   Mike reached for the clothing item in her hand. "I can explain—" he paused, trying to come up with an excuse that was good enough, but that's the thing, there was none. "It was..... just a one... or two time thing."

   Cayla felt her heart slowly crumbling. She rarely let herself completely open up with people, and apparently she made a very wrong decision when she decided to get with Mike. And even though they hadn't even dating long, Cayla still cared for him very much. Her eyes started to water as she opened her mouth to speak. "Is she still here?"

"Uh, I told her to leave before I opened the door," He mumbled, avoiding eye contact.

"Who is it?" Cayla asked. "Hello, so are you just gonna stomp on my heart and not give me any explanation?" She said, her sadness shifting to anger.

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