Chapter 2

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"Oh hello. It's you again," Bane says with a dull expression. He seemed to hate me. Good. But I came to conclusions too fast.

"Howdy," I reply.

He says, "What's up with you? It's like you don't like me."

"Maybe because I don't." I say sincerely.

As he waves at some girls, he says, "Good one, everyone loves me."

"Not me," I say, mustering up the sweetest fake smile I could put on.

"Yeah, right," he responds sarcastically.

I stroll down the hall, going on my way to English class. Unfortunately, Josh had this class with me.

"Sucks for you," Bane says.

"Huh?" I ask.

"Well, you have to spend a whole class with me. Doesn't that sound terrible? Since you supposedly hate me," Bane replies, obviously doubting that I loathe him.

I respond with annoyance, "Ha ha, very funny. But yes, it does sound horrible."

As I walk into class and sit down, the bell rings.

"Shh! Quiet down!" Mrs. Huck bellows. The class hushes, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. "Read the board. Put your right hand on your head when you are done!" she continues. Mrs. Huck always uses this elementary trick. Students always are using hand symbols to express when they're finished with something in her classroom.

On the board it says "Don't put your hand on your head." Well, that's contradicting.

I walk up to Mrs. Huck. "Raise your hand!" she whispers.

So, I sit back down and raise my hand. And of course she doesn't call on me.

I lean back in my seat, giving up. Bane raises his hand. "Yes, Josh?" Mrs. Huck says. Typical.

"Well, the controversy is that on the board you wrote not to put our hands on our head. But you told us to put our hands on our head. Therefore, I am befuddled at which I should do," Bane says, surprising me with his "big words." Maybe he isn't as stupid as he seems.

"I am dearly sorry for the confusion, Joshua," our teacher responds. I can see Bane slightly cringe at the mention of his full name. "Just continue working on your projects for this term."

"But Mrs. Huck, I relish my partner," Bane says, smirking at me. Oh crap. Brittany, his partner, starts sobbing insanely. She is probably the most obsessed with him. Wow.

"Shush, Brittany!" Mrs. Huck shouts. Then she says the words I've been dreading: "Would you like to choose another partner, Joshua?" Damn, that jerk is going to choose me. I just know it. I don't know why he would choose me. Maybe it has something to do with him trying to get me to like him?

"Is it possible that I could be paired up with Abril Parker?" he replies. I can hear a few girls scoff and several sigh.

"Abril, who is your current partner?" Mrs. Huck asks sweetly.

I tell her my partner and that I'm not pairing up with Bane. She asks me why I call him Bane and tells me that I have to be his partner. Soon, everyone goes to their partner. "Hey, Bitch," says Bane as he walks over to my desk.

"If I'm such a bitch, why the hell did you pair up with me?" I ask.

"I want to find out why you're acting like you don't like me," he responds. How thick can you get?

"Because I don't like you, possibly?" I reply. "Let's just work on this damn project."


After that crappy English class, I had Chemistry.

As I walk down the halls with Vanessa, who had this class with me, I pray that I don't run into Bane.

"So, Abril. Why have you been hanging on with Joshua Bane?" she asks, clearly disgusted at the thought of him.

"I swear, I don't want to! The creep keeps bothering me!" I respond honestly.

"What the hell! Tell him to get lost!" Vanessa exclaims.

"It's hard when we have a multitude of classes together!" I tell her.

The warning bell rings and we race to our next class.

Luckily, Ness and I were lab partners. Our Chem teacher, Ms. Malon, was the youngest teacher I had. She looked like she was around 25 and she acted like a teenager. "Okay, guys, just go and, like, read the board and mix the stuff there," she says.

"Okay, Nessa, let's read the board and, like, mix the stuff there," I say, mocking our teacher.

While Ms. Malon texted, we took notes and experimented. How could she have gotten this job?

"Meow," I say to Nessa.

"Woof," Nessa responds.

As we continuously banter about meows and woofs, the bell eventually rings.


Later, I'm on YouTube, as always.

"Hey everybody, it's Bunny..." I hear my favorite YouTuber say. As I watch YouTube on my phone, I get a text.

"hey qt," the text says.

YAY I UPDATED! Are you proud of me? I think you are :3 But anyway, thanks for reading. I'm going to try to focus in on this book a bunch! Please enter my contests on my Harry Potter fact book!

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