Chapter 16 Reconissance

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You were already up and ready, the day before was still fresh in your mind. Samara was still sleeping since you managed to get out of the bed without making much noise, you used the time to study the layout of the building, you managed to identify a backroom that was a good ways away from the main hall.

You: "That's a good place to store our guns."

You felt someone put their head on your shoulder.

Samara: "What are you working on?"

You looked at her and moved a strand of hair out of her face.

You: "I think I got a good place to store our guns, we only need to figure out a way in."

Samara: "Let me get dressed first, then we'll discuss it."

You watched her walk off, she was wearing a spare shirt that barely covered her stomach, you decided to stop staring and go back to the blueprints. You noticed a door that lead to the storage room but it was locked and required a key to open it, which meant it wasn't going to be hard to get in. The weapons that were given to you consisted of an M16 and an FMG-9, which you knew was for Samara. She came back wearing another tank top and camo pants.

Samara: "Alright, so what's the plan?"

You pointed at the door.

You: "There, we only have to get inside and store our weapons for tomorrow."

Samara: "Alright, I'll get the bag."

You nodded at her and grabbed her hoodie along with a spare coat that you found in the closet. She took her hoodie from you and grabbed the duffel bag, you put on your coat and walked out of the room with Samara. When you walked out of the hotel Samara took out her phone.

Samara: "Alright, let's look like an ordinary couple to avoid suspicion."

You: "I thought we were an ordinary couple."

She looked at you with a raised eyebrow causing you to chuckle.

You: "Alright, let's get moving."

She went back to her phone and pretended to text something as you put your arm around her and started walking. You saw some pretty interesting people on your way to the building, one of them was storing a knife in his shoe, it was pretty obvious to you and Samara but no-one else noticed. Someone bumped into Samara which caused her to drop her phone but you caught and turned to face the person but they were already turning around to apologize.

???: "I'm so sorry! Did I break your phone?"

Samara: "No luckily my boyfriend caught it."

You handed it to her and pulled her closer to you. Who you assumed was the woman's boyfriend spoke up.

???: "You two look like a nice couple, I'm Eric, this is Madeline."

You: "I'm Y/N, this is Sam."

Madeline: "Is Sam short for something or?"

Samara: "It's short for Samara."

Madeline: "Samara? That's a nice name."

Samara: "Thank you, but we should get going, we're in a rush."

Eric: "Where you off to?"

You: "We're visiting her mother, we would hate to keep her waiting."

Samara glanced at you for a second before turning around and walking off.

You: "Anyway it was nice meeting you both, have a nice day."

Before you went after Samara you noticed the rings on their fingers, you hoped that would be you and Samara one day. You caught up with Samara who had put her hood up and hid her hands.

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