Winter Witch. Chapter 1.

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Long ago there lived Witches and Wizard but also the cursed magic. A cursed magic was once human who became caused by a magic user, there were many curses a magic user could use on a human and so the humans called the cursed as cursed magic.

Some magic users were friends with kingdoms, some were kind, some were mean, some were enemies to the kingdoms. 

But our story starts on a snowy town, where the Winter Witch lives.... Fear by others and lives in solo in a small cave. 

"HELLO" Farlan the Sky Wizard yelled out with a huge grin as he walked into the Winter Witch cave. He was old friends with the Witch, he grew up with up and he watched as the humans turned on her but left him alone. He was seen as the kind, caring hearted Wizard ... He lived at the top of a hill covered in flowers and lived inside a cave that seemed to touch the sky. The kingdom loved him very much. 

"Piss Off" The Winter Witch warned as she walked over to the entrance and glared at farlan after seeing him grow flowers on the cave wall.

"oh dont be so mean, i came for a visit since i have free time and its been a hundred years since our last meet up" Farlan smiled and took another step in. 

"well maybe i don't want to be seen with the Sky Wizard .. not after the last meet up" She sighed and Farlan frowned. During the last meet up they met in an old town and Farlan being famous kept being surrounding by the people. He did small magic tricks for the children and after he got too many people surrounding him he asked for the Winter Witch help. She made snow flakes fall but that also blew her cover making the two become scared. Farlan was forced to fight with her so the town wont try and burn her. 

"i said i was sorry, look you can hit me so we equal" Farlan frowned.

"you flew me into a cottage then into six tree's" She growled and Farlan rubbed the back of his neck.

"yeah sorry, i used a little too much power but i was annoyed and nervous" Farlan siad with worry.

"whatever" She sighed and noticed someone else standing in the cave entrance.

"oh so you see him" Farlan smiled.

"see him" she asked making the shorter man glance to her.

"well he a cursed magic" Farlan replied with worry.

"what did he do to be cursed" she asked asked as the other man looked to the ground.

"he a magic hunter but only hunts the evil magic users" Farlan siad with a small smile.

"so you bought him to me, can you stop sending people who wants me dead to my cave just cause they asked for help" She hissed since this isn't the first time Farlan bought someone who kills her kind.

"this is different" Farlan yells back.

"oh really" She sighed crossing her arms.

"he needs help, he was cursed by Eren" Farlan frowned and the two males watched her eyes sadden.

"i see .. so your brave enough to fight him and live" She smiled slightly at the shorter man and he nodded.

"he kinda invisible to humans but those who been cursed or is a magic user can see him" Farlan smiled.

"you want me to try and fix him ... you know i cant" she sighed.

"i know but maybe you can help us find Eren so we can force him to undo the curse ... your the only one i can trust for this" Farlan begged with sadden eyes.

"i help find him but that all .. your on your own once you two enter his cave" She warned and the two nodded. 

"thanks" Farlan smiled brightly and she just nodded back.

"you better rethink your job after this" She frowned as she turned to the other guy.

"i dont kill without checking on them first ... i hear rumors of truly evil magic users and check them out if they truly doing harm then i kill them .. i dont kill unless they go too far" the other man frowned.

"interesting" She smirked. 

"why dont you two get to know each other while i go nap" Farlan smiled and walked deeper into the cave.

"dont steal my bed" She yelled back and only earned a chuckle from Farlan.

"I'm Levi, an A Rank hunter" he spoke, holding his hand out and looking into her eyes.

"Mikasa the Winter Witch" She spoke back looking into his eyes while shaking his hand. 

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