Chapter 48

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Britney looks down at her lap, scratching the plastic cup in her hands. She sighs, finally looking at me and manages a half-smile, which looks much more like a grimace.

"I know Tracy and her friend, whose name I can't remember. Even for the life of me, which is fine because I never liked them-"

"Wait," I hold my hand up and she abruptly stops her rambling. "How do you know them?"

Her eyes look pained, as though she's pleading with me not to make her say it. I can easily see the inner conflict she's battling with, but I continue to stare at her. No matter how bad she might feel about this, I need an answer.

"I just want to preface this by saying, this is not the same as keeping Rob and I secret."


"I promise, I didn't think my past would be related to your future in anyway. I'm gonna tell you what I know and remember, but I hadn't really thought about it, them, until now," she raises her eyebrows, waiting for my response.

I shrug, wary of whether I'll regret this, "okay."

Britney takes my hands in her, giving them a gentle squeeze.

"I met Tracy when-"

We both jump, my ringtone loud and completely unexpected. Britney releases my hands, rolling her eyes, "perfect timing, huh?"

I smile slightly, then reach into my bag for my phone. When I look down at the screen, I can't help but feel like coincidence might not even apply in my life.


"It's him," I say to Brit before I answer the phone. "What's up?"

"Just wondering when you were gonna be home."

"...I don't know. How are the kids?"

I can hear him sigh, "they're good. I feel like they're settling for me while they're waiting for you to come back."

I'm trying to be mad at him, but I can't help but laugh, "I highly doubt that."

Britney rolls her eyes when I laugh, complete sisterly disapproval. I just ignore her, and opt to look around her instead of at her.

"It's true. You're better at this than I am."

"The parenting thing?"

"Yes, absolutely."

"Well, I'll try to be back by dinner. But you're cooking."

"Deal. I'll see you then. And Liv?"


"I love you."

I suck in a breath, because for some reason, that was the last thing I expected him to say. And I don't want to say it back to him. I mean, of course I love him. He's the love of my life.

But, with everything that's happening...

"Liv? You still there?"

"Yes, yeah. Sorry. I love you too. See ya."

I hang up as quickly as I can, shoving the phone back into my bag. I didn't even notice that Brit got up and went over to another drink place. Not until she was coming back with two bubble teas in each of her hands, five minutes later.

"Is that mango boba?" I ask, taking the large cup she gives me.

She nods, sitting back down, "with lychee. What did he want?"

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