Part 20

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(David's POV)


I woke up to see myself in a dark room, but I don't no where. I honestly don't remember anything that happened yesterday. All I know is that I was on my way to begin my killing for the family. Oh and I was about to chop off Kaylee's hand. I tried to get up until I fell over and hit the floor pretty hard. I noticed that I was tied up. I instantly had a pounding headache, not from falling, but from drinking last night. I saw a light and 2 people walking toward me. I noticed it was two young girls who had dreads and the other one had curly hair. They looked very familiar until I realized they were Kaylee and Naya. I mean I never even hurt them that bad. All I did was beat on them a few times, slapped the hell out of Naya from all that crying, and almost chopped off Kaylee's hand. See not that bad and if they think there about to torture me in here, they need to think twice because my 2 sons are helping me so they can go ahead.

(Kaylee's POV)


"Xavier, can you pass me a yogurt, oh and make another waffle pretty please, for Asia.", I asked. Me, Khalil, and Xavier was in the lobby trying to get everyone's food. Naya stayed in the hotel room with Asia since Asia couldn't walk. Khalil wanted to stay with her but i still don't trust him after what happened, so I shut that down real quick. We've basically been doing everything for her since yesterday when she got shot. I still feel bad for it, but I'm trying to let it go. "Omg, how many plates your making, I'm hungry.", Xavier said whining sounding like a girl. I cracked up "Boy come on, hold this.", I told him. He looked at me with a 'Nigga please' expression and walked right pass me heading to the room. "Well then.", I mumbled. "Khalil, you ready.", I said waiting up for him. This boy was literally getting the whole menu with his fatass. He was carrying a bowl of cereal with two yogurts and a boiled egg in it. The other hand had a plate with two waffles and a apple danish on it. "Umm, I think so.", he said still looking around for food. "Nigga let's go.", I said rushing him. He walked pass me bumping me making my juice spill. "Fat ass", I shouted while cleaning up the mess.

I finally made it up to the room to see everyone cracking up and food everywhere. Khalil was mean mugging Asia. "What happened?", I asked. "Khalil came in here with all that food and Asia stretched out her other leg and tripped Khalil making him fly across the room.", Naya said laughing even harder with everybody else. "That's what he get.", I said laughing, giving Asia a high five. I gave her her plate and we all sat down and ate.

"Ok, I think me and Naya should go first.", I said. Everyone was lounging around playing video games and on their cellular devices. "Baby, be careful.", my mom said. "What she said.", Xavier said butting in not really paying attention. "Kaylee, do you still have your bag?", Naya asked getting up. "Oh yeah, come on.", I told her. She put on her shoes and I grabbed the bag. "We out.", I shouted before we left out.

Once we made it. David was awake but he was on the floor. I guess the chair tipped over. Once we helped each other put him in the right position, he had this smirk on his face. "Lets get this over with", I told Naya. She nodded and grabbed the knife and a tazer out of my bag. She handed me the knife and I got busy. "So you thought, you was going to get away with cutting off my finger?, hmmm", I asked David. "You ain't gone do shit, my sons are on their way and they gone help me kill yall.", he said spitting on my shoes. "Oh hell naw, these my new Jordan's. Do you really think their coming to get you, ha very funny.", I told him. I grabbed his finger and cut it off. "Bitch", he shouted at me as I was watching him yell in pain. Naya quickly came over to my side, covering his mouth up, he was loud like man shut up. I cut off like 3 more of his fingers and walked away letting Naya get to work. She tazed him twice. One in his area and the other in his stomach causing him to throw up. I looked away and the smell instantly hit my nose making me want to get out of there. It smelled like alcohol and steak. It made me want to gag so me and Naya quickly packed up and got out of there.

"So what did y'all do to him.", Khalil asked as me and Naya walked in. "Oh she just cut off four of his fingers and I tazed him two times causing him to throw up which is why we left.", Naya spoke up before I got a chance to. Khalil just nodded and turned his attention back to the TV. "So did y'all still want to go to that Halloween party at this teen club that my boy is hosting?", Xavier asked looking up from his phone. "Who gone stay here with Asia?", I asked. "I will", my mom offered. "Alright, we finna turn up", Xavier said in a ghetto voice. It was a moment of silence then everyone busted out laughing including him.

We all got dressed. I have to say that we all had on some very creative outfits. Naya dressed up as Victoria from twilight. Her skin was pale and her hair was very red. She looked good. Xavier dressed as Stewie from Family Guy. I didn't want to dress up so I wore some pajama pants and a cute shirt that said sleeping beauty, I had matching slippers, a sleep-beenie and a pillow. They said I was lame for what I did but I thought me outfit was awesome so who cares what they think. Khalil was the scariest, he dressed as Freddy from Nightmare on Elm St. He kept sneaking up on people. He need to stop playing fr fr. We took pictures and headed out.

"Aye y'all look this girl about to get on the elevator.", Khalil said. She had on a white gown with blood all over it. "No, don't scare the poor girl.", Naya said. "She'll be fine.", Khalil said. Me, Naya, and Xavier didn't make eye contact with Khalil to make it look like he wasn't on the elevator. When the girl walked on, she turned her back away from the door and as soon as the door closed, Khalil jumped out and scared her. We all tried not to laugh but it came out. "You gave me a fright.", the girl said. "White girls be like", I mumbled. She looked at me with a stank face and turned back around. I flicked her off and everyone laughed but her. Lemme just get to this party.

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