Never forget

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$antana POV

Tay told us that the girls are coming to the hospital, I only nodded because my mind is wrapped around the fact that Anthony put his hands on Sélah to the point where she miscarried our unborn child

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Tay told us that the girls are coming to the hospital, I only nodded because my mind is wrapped around the fact that Anthony put his hands on Sélah to the point where she miscarried our unborn child. Yes our unborn child; Sélah and I were at my house chillin high and just talking about life like we usually do. One thing led to another and then BOOM. Sélah tells me that she's pregnant and I've been there every since.

Anthony probably found out that he wasn't the father but oh well. People make mistakes and learn from them. He shouldn't have put his hands on her and if I would've known this earlier he would've been dead. But anyways, everybody walked into the room before me. Sélah didn't even look like herself, her mouth is wired shut for 6 weeks, she has bruises all over her body, she doesn't even notice that we're in the room because she's looking at the wall right now. I honestly want to cry because this is all my fault.

I shouldn't have had her over that night, I shouldn't have kept in touch with her and she would've been the same happy Sélah that was here before all that bullshit happened. I wish I could take the pain away. I didn't even notice that I was crying until she said something "Santana stop crying, it's not your fault; matter of fact it's nobody's fault because things happen out of our control so stop blaming yourself for my injuries that you didn't cause... I still love yo ugly ass"she told me while smiling through the pain. Imma make my lul baby happy again....

Annamarie POV

Nick had a cute smile on his face after I told him how I felt because it isn't his fault that Anthony did all this, things happen for a reason but I'm glad Anthony bitch ass is dead, he deserved it sorry not sorry

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Nick had a cute smile on his face after I told him how I felt because it isn't his fault that Anthony did all this, things happen for a reason but I'm glad Anthony bitch ass is dead, he deserved it sorry not sorry. "How's my big brother" I asked Tay referring to L'A. "He's alive sis, they got the bullets out of him successfully and thanks to Durk putting pressure on his thigh and shit yk" he said to me, I felt a wave of relief come over me.

"Thank god he's alive and well...I assume the doctor told y'all about the baby?"I asked the guys making them nod their heads. I guess it's time to tell em everything that happened. "Okay so first things first.... The baby wasn't Anthony's, it was Nicks. We got a little carried away one night when we were hanging out and it lead to me being pregnant. Of course I told nick and we talked about how we were gonna tell y'all and how things were gonna work out for the both of us-"I paused trying not to cry.

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