Hello Sunshine

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          It broke through like a flash of light.  I remember.  He shone radiantly, like the sun.  But there was tragedy clouding his eyes.  I only saw him for a brief moment, then pain ripped through my system.  I hit the asphalt.

          Now I was laying on my back.  Even though my eyes were open, it was pitch black.  Shivers raced along my spine at the biting cold.  What, am I in a freezer?  Carefully, I extended my hands out in front of me.  Prick.  My brain numbly registered pain in my right hand.  Pulling back, I licked the blood off my right palm.  Spikes.  This freezer has spikes directly over me.

          For whatever reason, I felt surprisingly calm.  That was my superpower, I supposed.  Being able to stay calm in the face of terrifying circumstances.  Being able to smile through the pain.  Or essentially, being devoid of the ability to register emotions all together.  For years, people had told me I had RBF (resting B*tch face).  My own mother had screamed and cried at me when I was young because she thought I didn't care.  She was wrong.  I did care.  I cared too much to burden her with my problems.  Because even at that age I knew, I knew I was stronger than she was.

           Sighing, I resolved to considering things rationally.  Alright.  I'm lying on my back, which means, considering the face that I'm not impaled, that the ground is below me.  If spikes are above me, it's probably to prevent upwards movement, which most likely means that's my exit.  But because of the spikes, I'll need to explore the sides, in front of my head and below my feet, for the exit.  There was about a half foot for movement between the spikes and my body.  Still careful, I reached my hand up over my head, slowly searching for an exit, a wall, something.

          My fingers touched a smooth surface, it felt like wood.  Fortunately, there were no spikes.  Bingo.   Shuffling, I scooted myself up till my head was almost against the wood.  Then I held my breath, ever so carefully sliding my hand up the wood.  My nails stopped my fingers at the top.  My heart rate picked up.  I can feel the crease.  Examining the area, I noticed there was enough area for me to place my palms down.  I traced the space all the way down.  About at my right shoulder something metal with screws stopped me.  A smile traveled up my lips.  Hinges.  Bringing my hands back around to the left, I summoned all my strength, and pushed.

         The lid came flying off, and the light from the LED bulbs was near blinding.  But I didn't give myself time to squint, I came up out of the freezer, tackling the nearest pair of legs by me.  "Oof!  What the?!" I vaguely heard a male voice shout, but I didn't care.  I straddled him, slamming my fist down into his jaw, over and over and over and over.  My wild eyes locked on his jugular as my next target.

         Before I could strike, hands grabbed me, pulling me off him.  My livid mind hardly registered the two people trying to restrain me.  It didn't need to register to fight.  Swiftly, I struck one in the throat with a back elbow.  He released me in pain, and I spun on the next delivering a powerful kick to his diaphram.   Free, my eyes swept the room for the exit.  My feet were moving even before I spotted the door.

           Bolting up the steps, I ducked under another person's arm, sliding past.  "Hey!  Wait!" I heard the same male voice roar behind me.  Weight pulled on the back of my shirt.  He's grabbed my shirt!  I wriggled out of it, running out of the building and into the street.

          Coming into the street, I stopped briefly to survey my surroundings and decide my next move.  I gasped.

          There, in my bra, in Times Square, my world went black.

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