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She  finally allowed herself to look at the middle throne, to the silver haired and purple eyed man with his broad shoulders and handsome features. She would never deny that he was attractive. Of course he was. She had already seen him before . But now it was under a new light. 

"Lady Robin , I ask you to remember your place."- Aegon instructed, his voice stern but his eyes were lit with amusement he had something in his eyes that made her legs shake

"As you wish, My Lord."- She curtsied looking at the floor 

"Your Grace."- Visenya corrected

And Robin stopped yourself from saying the snarky comment that had instantly came to mind. Queen Visenya, the oldest Targaryen ruler, was the one you knew not to upset. She was dangerous with her sword , her looks, and her intelligence.

"Your Grace."- You murmured, with a curt nod of your head

" Good."- Visenya said 

"Forgive me, I have stepped over some boundaries. I was only teasing. That must be a Northern thing. "- It had to be. All these Southerners were too shallow to have any sense of humor

 Well, all of them except for maybe Lord Orys. He had been amusing enough on the trip South.

"Welcome to the Aegon Fort. You'll be my wife in just a few days' time. I apologize that your family won't be here for it. It was agreed between your father and I that a speeding up the marriage was for better as the other realms are still calming down from the war. "- Aegon said 

She nodded and let his words sink in. Anything Robin could say to him would only make his sisters burst with anger and although she hated not to say think to people in there face , she didn't want to have her  throat slit one night while she was sleeping.

"If you will come with me, I will show you to your chambers."- Aegon got to his feet and held out a hand to Robin 

Robin's heart thumped heavy in her chest as she looked to his face to his long fingers and lined palm. Gods he was a handsome man , a very , very handsome man . There were calluses on his fingers  from where he had held his sword, and she wondered how many times he had been burnt while riding Balerion. 

She stepped forward slowly and hesitantly took the King's hand. Her hands looked so small in his, and her fingers were freezing as if she  had held her small hands under the snow. She felt naked under the intensity of his gaze she felt uprotected and Robin hated him for that.

He led her to a dark hall . The walls were made of the same wood as the rest of the fort. The chill that seemed to haunt the halls was calming  but it didn't made her feel at home.

"You don't like my sisters and I."- Aegon finally spoke up

 As the two of them stepped up to a door at the end of the hall, on the right. 

"We understand why, but it would be in your best interest to just accept it. My sisters are... spoiled creatures and they are used to getting what they want. They don't enjoy the thought of me having a third wife, but they will grow up to be used to it in time. As I know you will to . "- Aegon

"Should I worry about them killing me?"- She questioned with a raised brow

Robin had heard the King wasn't one for a lot of idle talking so she was caught off balance that he was here chatting away. Robin loved the sound of his voice, so she really didn't want him to stop talking .

Aegon's jaw clenched, his eyes flashing with a similar anger as his sisters' earlier , but as Robin looked to him she got a feeling of fear spreading in her chest , unlike his sisters he could do whatever he liked with her . 

" They wouldn't dare to harm you."- He said firmily 

 His hand let go of hers and came up to cup her chin. Making her look up to his lilac eyes , that was something about them that made her feel diferent , like when she used to ride her hourse in the florest , as if she had butterflies in her stomack , but this time it was stronger . 

"They know how special you are."-  As he was leaning down and his lips brushed over hers ever so slightly

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