Chapter 2- the big decison

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Gavin: I choose... Symonne...

Coco & Piper: EXCUSE ME?!

Gavin: I choose Symonne. She's always been there for me and I love her...

*Symonne comes*

Symonne: Did I hear my name?

Gavin: Symonne, I choose you. I really love you
Symonne and I hope you love me too.

Coco: Real great decision Gavin. And I hope soon you realise your mistake. I'll always be waiting for you. Goodbye.

Gavin: Coco wait! Please! Don't let this ruin our friendship! You're always gonna be own of my best friends!

*Coco runs off*

Piper: Gavin even for you, that was real low. Symonne wasn't even in all this. It was always me or Coco.

Gavin: God Piper it's not the Bachelor. I don't just have two options I can date whoever I want. I didn't realise I loved Symonne until just then. Pipes I'm sorry. Please.

Piper: Gavin it's over ok. You already lost Coco and guess what... you loose me too.

*Piper runs away*

Gavin: Piper! Coco! Wait you guys!

Symonne: Hehe!! *acts clingy*

Gavin: Ugh! I knew I made the wrong decision! I always get caught up in the heat of the moment! Symonne get out!

Symonne: What? Who? Me? Why I love you Gavy Wavy!!

Gavin: Get out! I need to get my girl back!

Symonne: Who me? Which one? Piper or Coco? Or me? Choose me Gavy Wavy!

*Gavin runs off to find his true love*

Who do you think Gavin is going to run after? Coco or Piper? You just have to wait for the next chapter! ❤️

Piper Rochelle vs Coco Quinn - Who wins the heart of Gavin Magnus ❤️Where stories live. Discover now