Random moment #6

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Conor: *was sitting on the bench at the rooftop*

MC: *was sitting next to Conor, looking away* S-So erm...

Conor: hmm? What is it, MC-kun? 

MC: I dunno...it's just that you're not yourself lately...and I want to know what's the problem?...

Conor: It's nothing! *laughs nervously*

MC: But why you're dressed in black?..

Conor: *stays quiet til a few minutes* Don't worry, can you look away? 

MC: *tilts his head* Eh? Why? Is there a surprise?

Conor: Yeah! But don't peek..

MC shrugged as he turns around and cover his eyes. Conor's smile faded to a frown and he turns around and hurriedly pulls out a razor blade from his pocket as he pulls his sleeve up and starts making cuts on his arm. MC was bored of this, but he heard someone next to him, sucking air in their teeth as if they were in pain. 

After a bit, Conor gets done and quickly thrusts the blade to his pocket. He slowly pull his sleeve down, which blood was rolling down.

Conor: Okay...you can see now! ^^

MC: Erm...*looks at Conor* What's the surprise?...

Conor: Well...*hugs him*

Something's fishy. MC reluctantly hugs back while he could smell a strong scent of blood. That's when he quickly pulled away from Conor, knowing something is wrong.

MC: C-Conor?....

Conor: Oh no, what's wrong? *sounds worried*

MC: Well, that's what I'm thinking...but...why does it smell like blood?....Did you do something? 

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