chapter thirteen

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It was raining by the time they got to the car. Everyone was running to their vehicles or hiding under anything they could find.

Asher pulled Annie behind him as they ran but right before, she pulled him to a stop and he turned to her. The pounding was back in her ears, and she thought faintly she could hear children laughing and a little girl's voice taunt "Are you afraid of a little rain?"

Annie smiled at him. "We're already soaked." She pointed out, and he smiled like he knew what she meant right away.

"You could get a cold," Asher pointed out, but didn't object when Annie wrapped one arm around his neck and brought up their already laced hands between them.

The pattering was their music, as was Annie's heartbeat in her ears. Whatever beat she followed, Asher did too, and she silently wondered if maybe he could hear her heart. Maybe he followed his own, and their hearts matched the same beat. Maybe they were so in tune with each other that the music of their very souls called out to each other.

Maybe it didn't matter. Maybe all that mattered was the smile on his face as he pulled her up against him and twirled her around. Or when he dipped her and brought her back up. Or when she twirled herself back into his arms, with her back to his. Maybe that was the closest their hearts could get to each other.

They'd been dancing slowly and quietly for a few minutes now. Cars around them were pulling out, but the rain tuned it all out. Annie leaned her head against his shoulder as they held each other in the rain. "Is this cliche enough for you?" She asked, and he laughed.

"Not as cliche as this." He told her, and brought her chin up and kissed her. Annie couldn't help but smile into the kiss, and felt like if the sky opened up and the end of a rainbow were right beside them, she wouldn't care.

Asher pulled away barely. She could still feel their breaths intermingling. "I don't think there's anyway you could forget that," Asher whispered. Annie almost didn't hear it.

"That's the goal." Annie mumbled.

He grinned, and pulled her back to the car.

They breathed sighs of relief when they got back in. "Kisses in the rain aren't quite as I expected." Annie said.

Asher turned to her, "Some cliches you just gotta try for yourself."

"I think I liked the ferris wheel better."

He nodded along with her.

Annie checked her phone. "Shit." She opened up instagram and tilted her head at her phone. Asher laughed at her.

She held up the phone for him to see and said "This is a really freaking cute picture."

Despite that the entirety of instagram pretty much knew they were dating now, and that Jayden was blowing up her phone about meeting him and going on a double date, she wasn't mad that someone took that picture of them

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Despite that the entirety of instagram pretty much knew they were dating now, and that Jayden was blowing up her phone about meeting him and going on a double date, she wasn't mad that someone took that picture of them.

She knew she should be, since they inserted themselves into a private moment, but the picture was so cute and no one else know what they talked about or the kiss that followed.

"How do they know it's me?" Asher questioned as he looked through the comments on his own phone.

"Because they want it to be you." Annie skimmed through some comments and spoke absentmindedly. "People love jumping to conclusions, and the fact that it looks like you from behind isn't disproving it's you."

"#ashannie already has 10K posts," Asher laughed. 

"I hope this isn't weird for you." Annie huffs.

"I like weird," is all Asher says before he's pulling out of the parking lot.

Karma's a Very Nice Lady | ASHANNIE | ✓Where stories live. Discover now