Redwood here i come

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Summer 1970

I feel the hot sun on my face as I'm walking back to the camp where me and my boyfriend are counselors That summer. "Boo" my boyfriend says as he jumps out from behind a tree.

"Oh my god, Jonas you scared me" I say. "I know, that was the idea" he says. I role my eyes. Jonas hugs me and says "we better hurry back to the camp Jess it's almost supper time and my mom is making Mac and cheese."

"And we have to watch the campers" I say . "Yeah sure, I guess" Jonas says jokingly. I laugh, "come on your right it is almost dinner time and Ms. Mary will be pissed if we don't get there on time" I say, and we take off running to the camp.

Summer 1984

I sigh thinking about Jonas is sad. Especially because we don't know what happened to him, I mean everyone is pretty sure that he is dead but know one knows how he died because we never found a body. A t least with the other counselors family's knew what happened. I feel even worse for Chief Bertie Jonas's Mother who was the cook at redwood st the time of the massacre, we still keep in touch.

I wonder if she is also going to be going back, she was always a lot stronger than me, she says that the good times at redwood outway the bad and that whenever she thinks of that place the first thing she thinks of is Jonas there when he was little playing, boy him getting killed there. I don't when ever I think of redwood I think of him dying there all alone never to be found.

But I am going back I'm going back there to face my fears and make some more good memories, maybe then I can think of Jonas and not get instantly sad. He would want me to be happy when thinking about us.

I go upstairs to my bedroom and pack when I am about to leave my apartment I see a photo of me and Jonas taken by the lake I put that in my suitcase too. I get in my car and start driving redwood here I come.

AN: So that was chapter two, Also I'm writing this as the season goes on so obviously I'm going to be using some of my own theories and most of them will probably be wrong but I'll still keep them in the story. I'll try to update again soon :)

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