A Wish that Transcended Time

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"Happy Birthday A-Huan."

"Thank you mother."

"Here is your present. Do you want to open it now?"

"Um...if it is alright, I would like to open it after returning to my room. Thank you mother."

The young boy clad in a clean and elegant white outfit of the prestige clan of Lan raised his eyes in glee. It was his seventh birthday today. The clan was going to host a celebration banquet later at night among the clan's men just like every year. But for him, it wasn't the parties or the gifts that got him looking forward to his birthday.

It was spending this special occasion with his loved ones.

On this special month, he was allowed to meet with his mother twice, and his father would step out of his room to meet with him for an hour. His little brother would stick by his side, accompanying him everywhere for the entire day. To make sure that his brother had a wonderful birthday without any troubles. He once joked about him growing up to the the head of disciple committee of Lan Sect. His brother nodded his head, giving it a deep thought despite being a four years old boy.

"A-Huan." The beautiful woman-the lady of Cloud Recesses let the boy sat on her lap. Her long, white finger caressed through the layer of his long black hair, brushing it out like a smooth stream of river at night, "A-Huan. Do you have any wishes for your birthday? It is a special occasion after all."

The boy smiled back at his mother, leaning in closer to her touch as he replied with a contended smile, "My wishes are the same as last year. I wish that mother, father, A-Zhan and uncle will be healthy. I wish that Lan Sect will prosper, and the cultivation world will be at peace."

"Those are wonderful wishes A-Huan." Lady Lan stroke her son's head, smiling back at the boy. "But it is your birthday, don't you have any wish for yourself?"

The boy thought for awhile, before he shook his head, "A Lan member cannot be selfish, so I won't make any wishes for myself."

"A-Huan." Standing up on her seat with the boy in her arms, she started walking towards the window of the small, lonely building that surrounded by flowers of purple gentian. It was her own quarter that her husband bought for her, to keep her here away from harm of the world outside. No one knew who built this place, and for what purpose. It offered the most wondrous view of Cloud Recesses and Gusu city. And yet, it was something that she could only look from afar.

The golden sunlight lit up the Gusu city in a blazing warm embrace of the last of fall and early winter. One of the rare day that Cloud Recesses was graced with warm sunlight at this month of the year. It was a good sign for a special occasion like today. It seemed even the sun was thrilled to celebrate the young master of Cloud Recesses's birthday.

"I'm glad that you are taking the spirit of GusuLan a part of your morale and ethics. However, A-Huan, it is alright to be selfish. Your happiness is very important too. Only when you are happy, then the people around you will, especially those that care for you." The woman stroke the boy's cheek, "A-Huan. You must always take care of yourself, and grab hold of what makes you happy. Selfless is what the Lan Sect's rule taught you, but obtaining happiness is something that you must learn yourself."

"Mother, are you happy?"

The innocent question caught the woman off guard. Her eyebrows knitted together for a fleeting seconds, as an elegant smile graced her red, thin lips.

"As long as you are. Then I am too."

"Then...this year, I will make another wish. Just for myself." The boy named Huan touched his mother's cheek. Her skin was warm and soothing against his small fingers.

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