ch 10: the duo

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So frisk and axel were walking around a park chatting
Axel: so theres this donut shop near akumani town and they make like 1 foot by 1 foot donuts which are insane
Frisk: yea I heard of that
Axel: I got it from sora when he decided to bring a donut cake to school for his birthday
Frisk: oh yes that was insane
Then axel clenched his chest in pain
Frisk: axel!!!
Then his soul started to beat rapidly with purple waves coming out of it
Axel: oh ........ no
Then divide came out even thought axel wasn't fatally wounded
Axel: how the hell did you come out divide
Divide: let just say I got some help from you
Axel: what in orange skys are you talking about
Then a purple portal appeared and swap axel appeared
Swap axel: seems like you didnt think I existed
Axel: no shit my bloodline literally is fueled by karma
Swap axel: alright let's cut the talk
Core: you guys call???
Divide: heh a worthy opponent
Core: axel take on swap and I'll handle  divide and frisk, book it
Frisk: but I want to kick some as-
Axel and core: just go
Swap swinged towards axel with a 1 sided blade while axel shielded with his 2 sided blade
Swap: 2 sides, how original
Axel: oh just shut up you have 1 side
Axel launched swap back
Swap: seems like you already experienced this, so it's time to spice things up
Swap suddenly created copys of himself that surrounded axel, then axel just closed his eyes
Axel: boujin no jutsu won't fool me
Axel closed his eyes and in 3 blinks dozens of masks blasted at every copy atleast 10 times
Swap: seems like your apart of cores fanclub
Axel: atleast I'm original
Swap and axel swong at eachother, each slash getting faster until swap managed to catch axel in a chain
Swap: any last words
Axel: ...
Swap then tried to thrust his sword into axels chest, but then axle gained a karmazaki mask, but it had 4 spikes at each side with paint resembling a soul in the middle of it and with him wearing it he got a glowing set of wings, one blue, one red
Swap: oh shit
Axel: I didnt know I could use this move on my own but now since I can feel karma running through my veins, it's time
Swap: RETREAT!!!
A huge blue and red wave came out of axel spreading a few miles in each direction, divide and swap got severely injured from the blow, with parts of swaps body being burnt
Divide: swap, we must go
Then they hoped through some portals and fled

2 sides of karma (undertale oc thing)Where stories live. Discover now