Chapter 1 {Introduction}

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{Also the song has nothing to do with the chapter. }
Hello Dairy! It's {Y/N}.
I went to the forest today after school. It's was so nice out. The nice fresh fall air was so nice and clean. When I got home there was some spaghetti mother must have made before she went to work. Is was good! I then went in the internet and RP with some people {Aka Amino} its turning onto 7:12 pm and I decided to write in my dairy and then I'm going to to watch some Ghost movies and go to bed around 9:00 or so. Yeah I know I like to scare myself to sleep but there is nothing wrong with it. I enjoy it. I'll write more tomorrow! Bye bye dairy!

{Y/N} closes her dairy and puts the black and red dairy on her desk along with her pencil. She turns her TV on and looks for some good ghost movies. After she chooses one and finish watching it she goes to the kitchen, gets some cola, and goes back to her room closing the door behind her. Tomorrow was another day at school. Another day with no one to sit next to at lunch. Another day to sing her vocal chords out in choir. That was the worst part of the day. {Y/N} wasn't able to just sing a high pitch note the right way, or stand up for a half hour, or even do the "bell work" is what the teach called it. It was the work everyone had to do before class started. She was put in the back of the class where she can't even she the bord at all whatsoever. Her mother is supposed to get her glasses but {Y/N} geuses that her mother is working much and she forgets. No big deal. It's only far away things or even close up ish? She can't she a what a book says if she steps back a foot! Not the measurement but like if she really takes a step back. If that makes sense. She puts on a pair of black sweats and a dark red tank top. She lightly combs her {H/L} {H/C} and tucks into bed. Her room was simple and she liked it. She had a tan desk by her wooden bed with a black sheet, grey blanked along with a green solf blanket and her plan white pillow. She also had a dark oak brown 4 drawer dresser. Untop of it was her sliver TV. Not any fancy flat screen TV but a nice one. She was able to watch hulu, Netflix, and even YouTube. Though she didn't use it much. She normally used it for her scary movies she watch before bed or on the weekend when it was raining and she couldn't go outside. She also had a black half body mirror that was next to her door. Her window was on the other side from where the sun rised so it was normal dark in her room in the morning but really bright after school when he sun was about to set. She enjoyed her life, except that parts where she wasn't a socal person an had no friends, but he ones online, her mother worked about an hour before {Y/N} got home and so she never really saw her mother. {Y/N} was fine with it. She had he forest nearby she would go to. The forest was her favorite place and that was always her go-to place.

{600 Words}

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