I Was Born For You (Chapter 2)

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Chapter 2

“Good morning mom”

Ryeowook greeted her mother with a smile. Heechul smile at her daughter and kissed her cheek

“Good morning darling”

“Where’s dad?”

Heechul stroke her daughter’s hair

“He went early for work”

Ryeowook pout

“I thought he’s the one who will drop us in school?”

Heechul shook her head

“He told me to drop you and Henry in school because he has an important meeting”

She brush her fingers on her cheek

“Just forgive him this time. He really needs to attend an important meeting”

Ryeowook smile

“I understand”

Heechul smile and start shouting


Ryeowook look at her watch

“Mom, it’s ok. We’re not on a hurry, it’s still early”

Heechul frown

“Minnie and I will have a date today”

“Where are you guys going?”

“Some sort of a conference about Literature”

Heechul smile and shout again


Heechul sighs

“Your brother really moves like a turtle”

Heechul stares at her watch

“He’s already spending an hour to fix his self”

Ryeowook laugh

“He’s so vain like you. He always wants to look good for Krystal”

Heechul pouts

“Krystal will never exchange him to anyone else”

Heechul suddenly smile while staring at her daughter

“How about you?”

Ryeowook just stares at her mother

“Changmin will not fetch today? You guys don’t have date today?”

Ryeowook nod sadly

“Why are you sad?”

She frowns at her mother

“He’s always busy with his work, didn’t even have time with me”

Heechul hold her face between her hands

“Darling, you need to understand him. He’s a CEO and that job requires a lot of time and focus. He’s working for your future”

Ryeowook smile and stare at her engagement ring

“You’re right mom”

Heechul smile at her and stare at her watch again


Heechul grab her car key on the table. Henry came down running


Henry smiles at his mother

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2012 ⏰

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