[1] ~Nerd~

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"Heyyy sis wake up!!...Mom tell me to wake you up you have school!!"...here we go again...my little sis Mia jumping on my bed..."Yeah yeah..I'm awake"...i just roll to the other side..."no you're not...now wake up!"...and then she's scream at my ear...ugh annoying..."Yes i'm awake...don't do that again my ear will bleed"....i push him off of my bed...and she make a little sound like 'agh' hahaha...i didn't regret it..."I hate you!!" She said while running downstairs...i just roll my eyes...

"I hate school.." i hate it because Jackson and his friend always bully me...but i like him...


I'm done showering...and wear my simple outfit...i wear black pants that's just a little tight...but not tight...and then my fancy clothes...not forget about my glasses too...that's why i've always been called a nerd...

I didn't have many friend...my only friend is Linda...she's always with me when i'm sad...suddenly my phone vibrate...it's Linda..

"Tasyaaaaa!!You awake right go take a shower now i'll pick you up 30 minutes from now wait for me okay eat something now or you'll hungry at class now get your ass off of your bed!!"
"Urghh don't scream...i'm done showering...but wait what did you say i didn't ge-"

She end the call...sometimes i hate him...she always end the call while i'm talking and she always say something like rapping...it so annoying...

I went downstairs and straight to the kitchen...my mom was cooking and my little sis eat his breakfast...i sit beside him...and she just went to the other empty seat...i think she's mad at me..."Mia..why?"...."Don't talk to me...you ugly"...ugh...she piss me off..."Look...i'm sorry for what i have done to you...i regret it...can you forgive me" i show him my sad face...she look at me..."Okay i'll forgive you this time don't do it again"..."Okay...sorry my little princess.."....then i eat my meal...'15 minutes before class start...'...my class start 8:45a.m now it's 8:30a.m....then my phone vibrate again..it's Linda...

"Hello bitch...i'm in front of your house...faster!!"
"Can you wait for a se-"

She end the call again...ughhh annoyinggg....


I said goodbye to my mom for the last time and we goes to school...

"So Tasy-"
"Don't say anything...i just want to remind you...don't end the call while i'm talking...it's annoying you know.."
"Hahaha...don't be like that..i just love to do that to other people..it's my hobby.."
"Ughh...okay...what do you want to say..."
"Oh i want to say..that i- forget it...we at the school now get out...wait for me okay..."

I got off his car and said thank you...

Then i go sit at the empty seat...and read my book....

While i'm reading...someone shout my name...and again it's Linda..."Tasya!!...Come here we'll late for our class!!"..."Yeah!i'm coming..."...

We go to our own class and now...i in front off my class...i get in...and everyone stares at me..uhmm..i don't care...i just sit on my seat and then Prof.Mack get in...


While i'm writing something on my notebook...the doors bang open...and there he is...Jackson...every girl melted...

"Jackson you late again!..."
"I'm sorry Prof...i promise i wouldn't do that again"
"Go sit at your place"

He sit beside me..and then shout "Hey it's nerd!"....i just look at him...everyone in the class laugh...and then Prof.Mack shout..."Everyone shut up!"......

I look at him and said.."I hate you"...Jackson look at me..."What i didn't hear you"...

Prof.Mack look at us and now he's so mad..."Tasya! Now you!...ughh!...Tasya! Jackson! You can't go to home until 6p.m!"

"What!it's all because of you.." i said at Jackson but deep in my heart...i like it..."Just shut up.."


Now our class is over...everyone go to their home...

Prof.Mack came to our seat and said.."You guys just stay in here until 6p.m don't go anywhere...get it"

My mouth wide open...'Oh shoot' now i'm blank..."Really Prof.Mack...with this nerd..." he look at me with annoyed face..."Shut up..just do what i say"...and with that...Prof.Mack leave us...

and here i am...with the one that i like...



Words count: 758

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