Chapter 3

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So as a fox, I'm naturally small and tiny. It has its moments when it absolutely sucks and is really awesome too. Like now, for instance, running through the forest and being small lets you weave in and out of trees and tall grass without being found. I come to a small clearing in the woods with a small lake in the middle. 'Well I mean, I am thirsty.' I say mentally as my small paws start to walk forward. I dip my head and lap up the cool water then my ears perk up and my head snaps to the left. It's a werewolf. Multiple actually, three to be exact. I quickly face them, backing up as they move forward until I realize I've reached the edge of the lake. 'Well shit.' One of the wolves growl and bare their teeth, 'What the-! A werefox in our territory?' Wolf number two sniffs the air 'Yeah definitely. I can smell it from here.' Well he's a jackass. 'Aye jerk-wad, I don't smell!' I state boldly before one snorts 'Would you look at that? She's got a mouth on her too!' Then, all goes quiet as they talk amongst themselves. Well, I don't know about them, but I don't feel like dying today. So, I slowly back into the water until I'm about neck deep, I turn positions and start swimming to the other side. They are some dumbass wolves considering I just got away with that. I shake off the water and go hide in the bushes after I reach the other side, as I'm looking through the bushes I watch almost dying of laughter when they flip their shit. Jeez, that was funny, well I have school tomorrow so I best get my ass home.

When I reach my humble adobe, I transform back and head upstairs into my room and begin unpacking the boxes. After I finish making my bed my mom calls me down for pizza, "Hey mom. What's up?" I walk down and my heat stops in my chest. "Hey hon! These lovely boys helped me carry my groceries, so I offered them some dinner." Those are the people from McDonalds! "Sup? I guess..." I trail off, not wanting to talk to them and grab two slices of pizza. Before I can go to the sanctuary of my room, my mom says, "Alicia, stay down here and make friends with these young men!"

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