Coffee shop and late night shifts

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"And could I please have theee" the was she dragged the word 'the' on for so long was quite annoying actually. I place my foot on the ground and cross my arms.

After five more minutes, she finally decides what she wants. "the Canadian style waffles please." 'thank fuck' I think to myself. Then comes the question I've been dreading for the last 10 minutes. Now, I know what your thinking. 'HoW ImPaTiEnT' well, kinda, but think about standing by a lady who's taken 10 fucking minutes to order! 'anything else ma'am?' I ask, nervously.

She shakes her head no. "thanks for being patient with me. I'm half illiterate." my jaw drops. That's why she was taking forever. At this point I realised I was staring at her. I quickly pull out a massive fake smile. 'yes ma'am. I'll get your order through. It'll be out in 10 mins"

She nods and I run into the kitchen, quickly placing the order as I run by. As I run by My beautiful co-worker stops me in my tracks. she had Caramel blonde hair with blue eyes the sky. Perfect tan, perfect body, she was perfect. I've had a crush on her for a while, but there was another issue with that. "why are you running so fast?" she asks suspiciously. "uhh... Afternoon snack break?" she eyes me down but nods. I quickly run into the staff room to grab my backpack. It had 2 pull ups in it. One for now and one incase of any accidents.

I run outside and go deep inside the forest surrounding the building. I throw my bag down, and pull a pull up out. I swiftly pull my pants down, and without even thinking, I pulled the pull up, up.

I zip up my bag and check my watch. 5 more minutes until I can leave this hell hole! I them had the sudden urge someone was... Watching me. You know that urge in your stomach where it's like 'danger?'

I scan my surroundings, and as every second felt creepier, I finally decided to run back into the coffee shop. As I run through the kitchen, I check my watch again. I can finally leave! "yes!" I quietly mumble. I walk over through the kitchen, into the main hallway where the tables and chairs/booths were, and into the manager's office.

"I'm clocking out now" I say. She raises and eye brow. "It's 5:30, you realise." my manager turns around and checks the time on a rather Humongous clock. She nods. I practically squeal in excitement. "are you alright, little guy?" the way she said little guy, nearly slip into little space.

"ah, umm, ye... Yeah I'm fine" I stutter and let our a nervous laugh. "nervous?" she asks, smirking. She knew someone thing and I knew it. I shake my head and sprint out of her office, through the main entrance and into my car. I take out my keys and speed off. The words repeated in my head the whole drive home.

"are you alright, little guy?" "are you alright, little guy?" ugh, pull yourself together. Your 18, she's 19, she has the right to say that.  My stomach them lurches. Or... She knows I'm little....

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