Going Through the Motions

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Ravina hastened her morning ablutions due to her mother's incessant pestering. She scurried downstairs and snuck an apple from the kitchen then slithered out the door.
The sky was bright and took her slightly aback. The smell of earth travelled through the air dancing with the twirling autumn leaves. Her oversized and over worn boots smacked the ground as she strolled through the shivering grass in no particular direction.
     She promenaded out to the Niverning river side about a mile away from home. Just outside the region of Kilkeep, where she was raised and still lives. She sat at the river side for a while and picked some nearby Amble berries, and indulged in a light lunch. She laid down in the grass and let the sun beat down on her nearly translucent skin. Before Ravina knew it she was asleep peacefully by the riverside.
     She was startled awake by the sound of commotion from many voices and feet stomping all round her.
     Her squinted eyes were met with the assaulting rays of the sun as they opened hesitantly. She placed the palms of her hands on the ground to lift herself up. She was alarmed to find, not soft grass below her fingers but the grooves of wood planks.
     "Ravina, Ravina is my name." She said scanning her surroundings.
     She found herself upon a large vessel she had experienced before. She was surrounded by many people, none of which seemed to care about her presence. They were dressed in plain clothes and none of them looked as if they had bathed in the past fortnight. 
     Her gaze was directed upward as she heard the cumbersome trodding of heavy leather boots heading her direction.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2019 ⏰

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