Chapter 12

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Atsushi's Pov

I felt numb. My body wasn't responding and I felt nothing. He still could see what was happening around him and hear as well but he just couldn't move at all. Normally he would have panicked but he felt weirdly calm. It was weird but he could guess it had to do with what they gave him. What he was more worried right now was about Dazai as he wasn't awake which made his stomach drop.

Still that hope stayed that his boyfriend and Chuuya would find them. He couldn't lose hope, that was the only thing that made him stay calm. Actually didn't really matter as he was on drugs either way and they were strong. 


Note from Author-chan, from now on it will be he/she instead of me/I, with this let's move on...

Around 5 hours later...

Atsushi still couldn't move, and his eyes looked around as a sigh escaped. He couldn't escape and knowing too well that the after-effects will be horrible for him. Lucky for him, Dazai was with him. Right now he was still calm, but he knew that he would panic later on.


His eyes focused on the voice who called him, but he wasn't saying anything. His body was somehow managed to get moved by Dazai as he was now sitting on the wall.

"Geeze, are you heavy."

He blinked a few times as glaring at the latter boy. Atsushi knew that he wouldn't manage to get something out. The latter of the two walked around, and his eyes followed. 

"I am not sure that we will escape. For now, all we can do is waiting."

Three hours later, and he finally could move. Dazai talked with him trying to occupy and it made him feel better. But now three hours later, he felt the pain he had felt before. The teen would, when not feeling the horrible after-effects of that drug. A shudder made its way over his body. It was now that he felt his heart burst in his chest as well the panic bubble in him.

'Shit this is bad...'

His lips turned into a thin line as his breathing sped up as well. 

"Atsushi-kun, try to breathe calmly in and out."

It wasn't that easy as he was way too anxious, but soon he managed to get his breathing calm down. 

"What now?"

He asked as he let out a groan, his entire body felt like needles right now.

"We could try to escape, but I don't think that you can move at all. The aftereffect will take way too long."

That wasn't helping him, but he decided to go for it. Nothing could hold him down. Right now he could push his pain away, he had to. Or it would end up badly for both Dazai and himself.

"I don't care. I will try and we will get out of this place. I don't really have much to lose so why not trying it?"

On his lips was a wry smile and Dazai blink and chuckled a bit.

"Alright, then try. I won't stop you and you are right."

Please work, Beast Beneath the Moonlight. He closed his eyes and soon his eyes glowed as he felt his body change into a tiger. 

'That is new. I didn't expect that I can do this.'

Dazai looked surprised but soon had a smirk on his lips, as he looked impressed.

"Heh, it seemed that you can control your ability more."

A nod was seen and he let Dazai on his back as he huffed out and destroying the door. His purplish/yellowish eyes glanced around as he dashed away. This place was like a maze and it won't be easy to escape. It was his pure will that made him still stand up. Soon an alarm was heard and he knew that now they would search for them. 

His instincts reacted and he dodged the attacks which were coming towards him and Dazai. He wasn't going to back down that easy, and he would put up a fight. Atsushi pushed through and he heard people curse behind him, but that wasn't making him stop moving. A few more turns and he felt more tired. He knew soon it wouldn't end up well. 

"Find them!"

His eyes looked around frantically, another turnaround and he ended up in a dead-end.

"Do you think you can fight?"

He huffed out as he felt the small hand of Dazai going through his fur.

"I can try, but unsure."

Dazai hummed and he could guess that the latter boy wouldn't manage to fight.

"Try it. This is our last chance."

He decided something his eyes glanced around and he saw a small window. 

"Daizai, do you see the window? Try to open it and escape. I am sure that they can't get both of us. I give you time and you get to the agency."

Dazai was silent for a moment.

"I can't leave you."

He huffed out again and knowing that the other person was in confliction.

"Don't. We both know that I can't escape. I am too big and the window is the right size. Not to mention that I will be in the way. I trust that you will get back here."

Dazai turned into a kid and Atsushi kidnapped?!Where stories live. Discover now