Chapter 6

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Storming into the control room a guard tries to stop us but we push our way past him, "what the hell was that, she did not just disappear" Owen yells stomping up to Claire me fuming behind him, "there must of been a malfunction" I storm up to Claire glaring at her "thats what you think, she marked up that wall as a distraction, she wanted you to think she escaped" Claire cuts me of
"Hold we are talking about an animal here" my glare intensifies and I have the sudden urge to punch her, "a highly intelligent animal"
"400 meters to the beacon" were cut of by voice I think it was Vivian or something but that's not what caught my attention it was the screens showing a ACU unit tracking the dinasour, "your going after it with none lethals" Owen asks disbelief clear in his voice, mr Masurani turns to Owen in slight annoyance "we have 26 million dollars invested in that animal we cant just kill it" I cant believe what I'm hearing right now "those men are going to die" I state anger rising once more
"300 meters to the beacon" Owen steps up grabbing my hand and squeezing it not wanting me to punch anyone, "call this mission of right now" he says looking directly at the screen, "call it off right now"
"You are not in charge here!" Claire yells, I spin around to face. "He might aswell be, because if he were, those people out there wouldn't be walking to their immanent deaths!" I shout back Claire looks like I just slapped her, and i would've If Owen wasnt holding my hand.

Spinning back to look at the screen I watch as the leader of the unit picks up what looks to be a chunk of meat, turning it over I recognize it to be the I-rexs trackers, "what is that" Masurani asks my grip on Owen's hand tightens, "that's her tracking implant, she clawed it out" Owen tells him, concern lacing his features "how would it know to do that" Claire questions still staring intently at the screens, "she remembers when they put it in" I mutter.

We continue to watch in fear as the Idominus appears in front of the unit,
"It can camouflage!" We watch as she picks up the unit leader before throwing him on the ground and stepping on him causing the heart monitor to flatline, one by one we watched as the they all flatlined. I turn to look directly at Mr Masurani and Claire before speaking "their deaths are on your hands" my tone was icy and cold, Claire took a step back staring at me with wide eyes, Owen rubs circles with his thumb on the back of my hand to calm me down "evacuate the island"
"We would never reopen" Claire whispers, "are you kidding me Claire that's what you care about right now, you made a genetic hybrid, raised it in captivity, she is seeing all of this for the first time she doesnt even know what she is, she will kill everything that moves" I'm glaring so hard at her I'm suprised she didnt burst into flames, "you think its contemplating the soul of existence" Masurani asks focusing his attention on Owen and I now, "she is figuring out were she fits on the food chain, and I'm not sure you want her to figure that out. Now asset containment can use live ammunition in a emergency situation, you have a M134 in your armory, now put it on a chopper and smoke this thing" Owen voice was rising and I could tell so was his temper, "we have families here I'm not gonna turn this place into a war zone" I scoff at Claire's words, "you already have"
"mr Grady, miss Jackson if your not gonna help then theres no reason for you to be here" Owen's anger needing to be let out he swings his arm and knocks all of Lowerys toy dinasours to the floor. Scoffing at Claire i walking out of the control room I hear Owen say to Mr Masurani "I'd have a word with the people in your lab, that thing out there, that's no dinasour" before he joins me in the elevator, our heavy breathing fills the silence of the small space before I look up at Owen, he connects our gazes before pulling me to him and wrapping his arms around me, I secure my arms tightly around his torso, we're so fucked. The elevator dings telling us we've arrived on the ground floor, the doors open to reveal sworms of people, we try to make our way through but are stopped by a guard, Owen and him start talking to eachother but I tune out as I watch a family nearby, there all in danger and no one is doing anything about it. I focus back in on the conversation when the guard takes a step towards us, "hey, back up!" Owen yells pulling me closer to him Owen goes to saying something else but is cut of by a voice calling for us, we spin around to see Claire running towards us she stops right in front of us "I need you" I raise an eyebrow at her in question

"I need your help my nephews they're out in the valley, please if anything happens to them" Owen quickly grabs Claire and I by the arms and drags us away from the crowd, "how old" Owen asks,
"The older one hes um, high school age, the younger one hes uh, a few years" I cut her of there "you dont know how old your nephews are" I ask in disbelief, Claire doesnt reply so I scoff, unbelievable.

Owen leads us out to a jeep before jumping in the drivers seat, me getting in the passenger seat and Claire in the back, we make a quick stop at Owen's bungalow so Owen and I can get a gun each before making our way to the valley, abrubtly stopping the car he tells us to stay in the car me being me didnt listen and got out right after him, walking towards him I swing my rifle over my back before kneeling down beside him, and placing me hands gently on the Apatosaurus's neck as my eyes travelled over the deep wounds spread across its body the large dinasour tried to lift its head but let out a painful grown and let it fall back down, "hey, hey, I know, I know, it's alright girl" Owen soothed gently rubbing the top of her head, tears pricked my eyes but I didnt let them fall now not the time, I could see Claire kneeling down beside me with tears in her eyes, would you look at that, she does care. Watching as the Apatosaurus let out a final breath, I let out a shaky one of my own before standing and following Owen to the edge of the hill to find many dead Apatosaurus's uneaten across the field, "it didnt eat them its killing for sport" Owen states looking out across the field, they fucked up big this time.

Claire spots a destroyed fence not far away so we decide to check it out, entering through the torn down fence we spot a gyrosphere not far away hurrying towards it we realize the spheres been smashed, Claire rushes forward and picks up what looks to be a phone I'm guessing it's one of theirs. "No no no no"
"Hey, they made it out" walking up to Owen I see the two sets of footprints leading into the trees, but I also see the prints of the indominus rex, let's just hope these kids can run fast. Following the footprints they lead us to a waterfall "they jumped" Claire looks like shes about to faint with how worried she is, "brave kids" Owen says, looking around for a safer way down, "Zach!, Gray!" Quickly placing my hand over her mouth and shushing her, looking around to make sure nothings coming Claire smacks my hand away
"Hey, I am not one of your damn animals" she glares at me "listen those kids are still alive, but we will not be if you continue to scream like a banshee" I say, I'm done with her shit at this point just let me knock her out and we can go find the kids. Claire turns to Owen now not wanting to talk to me anymore thank god for that, "so, you can pick up their scent, cant you, uh track their footprints"
"I was with the navy not the Navajo" Owen deadpans, Claire now becoming frantic starts pacing "so what do you suggest we do"
"You go back Leah and I will find them" Owen tells her already getting ready to go, "no we will find them" I roll my eyes at her, "theres no way, you wouldn't be able to last a minute out there less in those ridiculous shoes" she looks at us defiantly before unbuttoning her belt and shirt to show her purple tank top, tying her shirt at the front and placing her hands on her hips. Owen and I look at her shocked before looking at eachother and then back to Claire,

"Was that suppose to mean something" Owen whispers to me, me still staring at Claire in confusion shrug my shoulders "I have no clue"
"It means I'm ready to go" Claire tells us, I sigh and shake my head, god save us. "Okay. Let's get one thing straight. Leah and I are in charge out here. You do everything we say, exactly as we say it." I nod in agreement "excuse me" Claire looks at us shocked and I just smirk this is gonna be fun, "relax, it's just like taking a stroll through the woods"
"65 million years ago" I add, Owen grabs my hand and looks me in the eye as if asking if I'm ok. No, no im not but that's not important right now, so I just nod and we begin our trek through the woods.

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