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Giovanni moves so fast only I register his movements. Oriana has pulled Lillian behind her protectively as she gasps. Giovanni now had Billy against the wall, holding him up by the shirt around his neck.

"What do you mean he's not going to make it?" Giovanni all but growls. I can feel the power radiating from him, matching my own when I was younger and couldn't control it.

"Giovanni, calm down." I take a cautious step towards Giovanni. He ignores me, eyes completely focused on the poor man he's holding. Instead, I step towards Jake's life support. I find where it's plugged in and grab the cord, turning to my idiot brother. "Hey!" I shout at the boys. Giovanni turns to eyes me with hate. It's in that moment I notice the slight difference in his eyes colouring. "If you want to make it a definite fact Jake won't survive then please keep fighting. Giovanni, outside. Now." I tell them sharply. Giovanni is still angry; Billy looks like a child just scolded by his mother. I follow Giovanni into the hall.

"You had no right." He almost yells at me. I cross my arms and look at him blankly, something Dad used to do with me and papa when we were upset. "He's dying, I could lose him. I have a right to be upset!" He starts to pace back and forth in front of me. I sigh, knowing the feeling well. I don't know if Star is alright or not. He was hurt, I know that much, but I don't know to what extent. If anything happens to that fox, I'll kill everything in my path for revenge.

"Are you done yet?" I ask him sarcastically. "I get it, you're upset. You don't know if he's going to be okay. There is no way of knowing if he will survive. You're blaming yourself. You weren't at his side to protect him; you were there too late. But that's not fair to yourself. You can't be blamed for this." The image of Papa bleeding out in my arms flashes through my mind, but I ignore it. "He's strong and he will survive." I finished. Giovanni has calmed down, tears welling in his eyes. His legs start to give out, causing him to fall into my arms. I'm not a touchy-feely person, but I hug him back as he cries into my shoulder. After a bit, we head back into the room.

"I'm so sorry, Billy." Giovanni apologizes. The doctor gives him a warm, knowing smile as he leads Giovanni to sit beside Jake's bed.

"It's more than alright. I consider you both a friend and I know I would react the same way, if not worse, if something were to happen to Maylynn." Billy taps his shoulders reassuringly before turning to me. "Follow me Miss Allen and I will take you to your friends." I nod and follow him.

He leads me down the hall of the medical wing, headed to the set of rooms opposite the one we were just in. I stay silent, praying to whatever higher being will listen that my fox and friends are alright. We get there and I see my friends perfectly fine, Keya cuddles into Brett's side as someone stitches his head closed. The woman is beautiful with long legs and perfectly light tan skin. I spot what looks like dragonfly wings peeking out from the bottom of her lab coat. Her dark brown hair is cut in a pixie cut. Her stomach is very full and swollen.

"Maylynn, you should be resting." Billy speaks softly but worriedly as the woman finishes her stitch work. He wraps his arms around her waist, resting his hands on the top of her stomach. She is obviously at least two feet shorter than he is.

"These two needed help, I helped them. I'm not completely useless." She tells him sharply. I notice the loving way they look at each other and smile softly, moving to my idiots.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't protect Keya or the book." Brett apologizes immediately.

"Shut up Smith." I tell him sharply. He looks slightly scared at what I'm about to say next, but my voice and eyes soften as I smile at him just slightly. "You did nothing wrong. It's not your fault." I hug them both as I spot a deep royal purple colour glow from my pocket. I pull the book out of my pocket and watch the purple stone fade, still just as mesmerized at the process as I was the first time.

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