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The letter

I know that I'm not the most affectionate person and that I struggle to show my true feelings, and for that I apologize I wish I could show you how much I love you how much joy you brought to my colorless dull life. I never been great with words well in person to person so I hope this letter can convey my feelings for you, it probably won't because not even words can explain how much I love you, how much your voice brings me joy, the hugs and encouragement you give me when I'm writing lyrics, those soft lips of yours that still make my stomach flutter. Everything. Everything you do brings me happiness you never try to be like anyone else you're always doing you and damn how much that makes me happy because you're the happiest when you're doing you. I know it sounds cheesy but without you my world would fall, the color would fade and the ice that once use to envelop me would consume me once again. To me you're like a drug and I never wanna come down from the high.

Baby do you remember?...

Do you remember the day we first met? Sometimes I sit back and think back to those days and I find myself smiling at the thought of you. I was always a trouble kid, always getting in fights, smoking, getting drunk to the point that I wouldn't be able to walk or think straight. Meanwhile you, you were an angel no matter what time of the day you were always happy. Always smiling and would always hop at the chance to help anyone no matter how mean they were to you because that the type of person you are, a kind hearted soul but you were sad the thing is you hid it so well it was impossible to detect. So it baffles me when I think back to that day you caught me spray painting on the school building how you kept pestering me with questions meanwhile I gave you a cold shoulder and told you to leave me alone, no matter if I gave you the scariest glare I could muster you just stood there with that heart shaped smile I come to love. You were so persistent to get me to talk to you even if I would ignore you, you would just talk about random things and then it would be the same thing the next day always trying to get me to talk. I guess slowly I started warming up to you and then the conversation would begin. It's weird how your presence didn't make me feel angry and annoyed but content it would be a lie to say I wasn't happy the moments we spent talking about things outside leaning on that damn wall I would paint. But why? Why did you decide to spend you lunch with the bad boy, with the kid that was always angry at the world? The kid who's world was broken, colorless and dull. I always think about it but maybe I don't want to know cause maybe your response is different from my answer. I never believed in fate but you slowly started changing my mind along me. I was slowly turning into a new person no more was I sad no more was I just a lost kid, with you I felt found, with you I felt happy. So that day that I muster enough courage to ask you to be my boyfriend and the way you didn't say anything I was scared, scared you would be disgusted, scared you think of me differently and scared you would leave me like everyone else. At that moment I felt vulnerable you held my fragile heart in the palm at your hands without even knowing. So when I didn't heard you say anything I panicked I thought I was a fool I mean who would love a kid that's life is a complete mess so when you grabbed my hands and pulled me into a kiss I realized how much I loved you even if I didn't know that at the moment the feelings we both felt was love, the love of a broken soul and the love of a lonely soul Uniting together to form something so beautiful so magical. I still remember the taste of your lips that day and the way your tears cascade down that angelic face of yours. Then you whisper how you no longer felt lonely and from that day on i vowed to myself that I would never leave your side because I love you so much.

Jung Hoseok I love you.

I love you so damn much that when you left I felt broken like a part of me is missing.

All my life I felt lost, like I was missing something in life and I realized it's you.

Jung Hoseok you're the love of my life.

My angel.

My lover.

My saver.

But most importantly you are my other half.

And without you I'm not complete.

Fate brought us together for one reason only.

To complete the missing puzzle in our life.

I love you

And I'll never stop loving you even after death.

Because you are

The best part in my life.

100. I love you

I don't how I feel about this chapter I feel like I could've done better but I was in the mood to write but anyway I hope you enjoyed. :)

This isn't the end yet;))

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