Chapter One

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Chapter One;

“Yo ma bruddeh!”

Kyuhyun felt a sharp tap on his shoulder and threw a glance to the person sitting behind him. He came face-to-face with a dorky kid flashing a unique smile. It wasn’t like anything he’d seen before, but it was most definitely adorable.

The kid chuckled and proceeded to rap out a few lines of greetings, most of which Kyuhyun couldn’t decipher.

Before he could respond with one of his flippant, harmless remarks, a bag came flying across the room and landed with a thud into the rapper’s lap, thankfully interrupting the endless stream of Korean lines emanating from his mouth and replacing them with a loud yelp. Kyuhyun turned around with an expression of pure admiration. The apparent owner of the bag whooped and punched a fist in the air before strutting towards Kyuhyun, a wide grin plastered on his handsome face. Kyuhyun noticed practically all the girls in the classroom turning to ogle at the newcomer, much to the displeasure of certain students of the opposite gender.

There was nothing much to say about this new guy, his face was perfect, his body build was incredible. Kyuhyun suddenly felt vaguely insufficient. Not that he was going to show it.

“Yah Monkey, don’t scare off the new guy on his first day here.”

“I can take care of myself,” Kyuhyun said on instinct, despite his curiosity about the nickname. The rapper dudedoeskinda resemble a monkey, he thought to himself.

Both of his companions chuckled in amusement as the newcomer flopped onto the seat beside ‘monkey’.

“This is fishy,” monkey stated cheerfully.

My first new friends in this class are called monkey and fishy. Oh joy.

“Keke, sorry about that,” fishy finally seemed to sense the discomfort in Kyuhyun’s tentative smile and decided to introduce himself properly. “I’m Donghae and this is Eunhyuk.”

Kyuhyun nodded amiably, seemingly relieved. “I’m Kyuhyun.” Then he chuckled; “I like your nicknames. Isn’t Eunhyuk like, jewel?”

Eunhyuk murmured his agreement, looking shy for the first time. “My real name is Hyukjae, but I figured Eunhyuk sounds cooler for a stage name.”

“We dance,” Donghae interrupted before Kyuhyun could inquire about the stage name. “The school picked us and Shindong from class 303 as representatives for the school’s dance club. Eunhyuk hopes to become a famous dancer one day.”

Kyuhyun widened his eyes. The boy could rapanddance. Eunhyuk blushed and shoved Donghae’s bag into his grinning deskmate’s arms. Donghae set his bag onto the floor and stood up excitedly, causing Kyuhyun to wince as the chair legs scraped loudly against the floor. The fishy waved wildly at somebody behind Kyuhyun, a broad smile on his face. Kyuhyun thought that the smile didn’t seem as natural as before but dismissed the idea as Donghae yelled out enthusiastically.


Kyuhyun turned, relieved that not all of Donghae’s friends were nicknamed after animals after all. A boy with a pink backpack stood there, looking like he’d just woken up from a dream.

“Oh… uhh…hi…?’

The boy dropped his bag onto the chair beside Kyuhyun’s and looked down at his new deskmate.

“Who’re you?”

Moments of awkward silence ensued as the harsh voice failed to register in Kyuhyun’s mind. Kyuhyun returned the fiery gaze with an equally fierce one and this seemed to stun the other boy for a moment.

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