Chapter 17: Being Sneaky Sneaky

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Sorry for not updating this book in a while. I've been busy and crap 😢

I put my ear against the door to see if I could hear anyone. Nothing. Ok then, let's do this!

I slowly put my hand on the knob and turned it. The door didn't creak, luckily.... I slowly stepped out and then slowly shut the door behind me. I stood still for a second, listening. I don't hear anyone; they must all be asleep.

"Don't forget. E.J might still be up." I made at face at that. "I'll keep that in mind..." I then started making my way towards my room.

Time skip....

Finally! I did a happy dance in my head as I opened my door, thinking about how I did it without being caught.

"What do you think your doing? You should be sleeping!" Awww shit. Never mind.

I slowly turn around to see Masky of all people. I frown, but quickly turn it into an innocent smile.

"Well I am. I'm going in my room to sleep duh." Masky shakes his head. "They said you weren't allowed in there yet, so you should go back to the infirmary." Not allowed? What?

"It's because you passed out again. They're trying to find out what caused it. It's just the same as they did with your drawings. As soon as you had a flashback about what happened, they took them down and burned them." I hummed in response. So that's where my drawings on the wall went...

I was suddenly picked up. "Hey! What the heck!? Put me down!" Masky didn't reply and continued heading back to the place I woke up in.

I tried to get myself out of Masky's grip, but just gave up, knowing I couldn't escape, and just went limp.

Masky's POV

What was this girl trying to pull.....? I pondered as I headed towards where E.J currently was.

Your PIC

It took me a minute to realize we weren't going back to the infirmary. Wait a second....IS MASKY BEING A SNITCH ON ME?!?! HE'S GOING TO RAT ME OUT?!?! MASKY NO!

I start thrashing and squirming, pretty much anything to get out of his grip. Come on I got this! I can get out and run-

"What did she do this time?" Damn it. I immediately go limp again as I just knew I failed and that sneaky sneaky time....

Was over.....


Yep. It's 5 in the morning, but that's ok. No one needs sleep anyway! I'm starting to get a cold which sucks, but that's ok too. Everything is wonderful XD. Anyway I hope you guys are having/had a great day and see y'all next time. BAI MY LIL KILLER MONKS!!!


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