9 ; "please don't forget me."

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Dazai was tired. Tired of life. Tired of everyone talking to him. They all asked about what it was like in the coma. Dazai answered their question with a shrug, telling them it was like a long sleep. He told them that he forgot everything from the coma, but it was a lie. He remembered a girl, with [h/c] hair. She was so close, yet so far.

Dazai stayed up on countless nights, thinking to himself. He couldn't get the image of the girl out of his head. He wondered why. He thought he recognized her from somewhere, somewhere that he didn't exactly know about. Then, one night, when he was able to get some well deserved sleep, he had a dream.

In the dream, Dazai walked towards a building. It looked like it was about to crumble. Inside was a girl, whispering to something. Then, she turned around and said to Dazai, "Please don't forget me." She ran off into another door. Dazai tried to follow her, but he couldn't. He couldn't move from his spot.

He felt trapped. Trapped in a never ending nightmare. He opened his eyes, looking at the alarm. It blinked 5:43 AM, and Dazai sighed. He got up, put on some clothes, then went out. He found his way on top of a rooftop. Staring at the scenery beneath him, he closes his eyes. The breeze was chilly, but welcoming at the same time.

He smiled, opening his eyes once more. The city was still alive, even during the night. He could hear cars, talking, and commotion. Dazai sat down, prying at his bandages. He remembers on how his ex-partner always told him that he wastes bandages for no good reason. Dazai lets the memory settle in, feeling the bitter feeling he always gets when he thinks about his Port Mafia days.

When the bandages were loose enough, he lets them go. They fly off, looking for a place to stay. Dazai stares at the sky, until his phone rings. The caller ID was labeled 'Kunikida-Kun', but Dazai didn't answer. Dazai just put down his phone, and let out another sigh. He laid down on the cold rooftop, feeling drowsy. Before he knew it, Dazai fell asleep.

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