Camp and a Surprise

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Ash's POV
We just arrived on the pitch. I'm sitting on the bench with Ali in between my legs. My hands are on her stomach. We see some more teammates escape from the locker room and I run over to greet them. Ali walks because she doesn't want to run if she doesn't have to. She wants to take it easy. I get that. She comes over and stands next to me. We talk to Tobin and Christen until Pinoe decides it would be funny to jump on Ali's back and scare her, since she doesn't know about her being pregnant. As she jumps, Ali's hand immediately go to her stomach and leans forward in shock. "Hi Kriegy!" Megan shouts. "Hello to you to, but next time don't do that!" Ali tells her. "Sup Ash." "Hey Pinoe!" I go over to Ali and ask her if she's ok. She says she will be and only I know what she means by that, so everyone else just stands there with confused expressions on their faces. I put my arm around Ali and walk back to the bench. We sit there talking until Jill calls Ali over to talk about the situation.
Ali's POV
Jill calls me over before we start drills. I'm guessing it's to talk about my current situation. She calls ash over a few. Minutes into the conversation. She also tells Carli to start drills and warmups. "So Ali, How are you planning to tell the rest of the team about this." She asks me. "I actually have no idea." "Well, I know everyone will be asking us what this meeting was about, so we can just make an announcement in the locker room." Ash tells her. "Okay, we'll talk more later ladies. Hit the pitch!" We run over to the field, where the team swarms is with questions. "Get back to work and leave them alone. They'll tell you in the locker room." Jill screams from the sideline. We scrimmage, and as soon as it's over and we're all in the locker room, people are all up in our business. "Ok, everyone shut up!" Ash yells over the mob of questions. Everyone shuts up and Ashlyn asks for questions one by one. Almost everyone raises their hand and I think we made the mistake of calling on Pinoe first. "Ok, so I may or may not have been eavesdropping on your meeting with Jill, but I heard something about pregnancy. So are one of you..." she says. "I am." Ali blurts out. Everyone takes a minute to process what was just said. When they finally do, they come congratulate us. We file onto the bus and I take my normal seat next to Ashlyn. My stomach suddenly starts hurting. Ash realizes something is wrong, so she rubs my stomach until we are back at the hotel. We go inside and I ask Jill if I can skip team movie night. She says yes, so I go up to my room to try and sleep. I finally fall asleep to Ash rubbing by back.

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