Roses are Red.

95 12 5

I drew that Balloon during Teacher's day..
Hey guys, sorry. Not an Inktober chapter..but I'm making it.

So..I tried some Experiment, and I used Luna cuz I haven't used her in some time.
But in other words, in my artbook I use Luna. But in school..I don't really do her much.

I don't really do her much

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I put them in a different canvas cuz the canvas would be laggy for tons of layers

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I put them in a different canvas cuz the canvas would be laggy for tons of layers.

Request still open? Well..I'm working on a request rn.
I kinda have alot of things to do and I kinda feel lazy for doing the request..

My hands hurt so much...

See you Later Swaggers!

ℓυиα'ѕ  αятвσσк: Starting A New Life As An Artist !!Where stories live. Discover now