Tell me

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// Y/N POV //

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing I turned by phone over and I sit up and take a look at the caller id turns out it was my friend Rosie.

But why would she ring me in the middle of the night at 10:00 on a Friday night.

Yes I know I go to bed earlier than I usually do on a Friday but I only went early tonight because school was such a handful and my stepmother made me cook food for everyone and clean.

I answered the phone to see why she was calling cause if there's one thing you should know is that Rosie hates it when you don't answer the phone straight away I guess an Easier way of putting it is that she is inpatient.

// Conversation on the phone //

Hey ( Y/N )
Why did you wake up at 10:00 clock?
It's not that late
I'm just tried from school

Which we all know is a lie.

Ya I can tell anyway can I ask you something?
Sure hit me
You know the boy band well man band that I am obsessed with
Ya Why Don't We
Yes that's them so they have a concert here tomorrow night
My mum got me standing tickets and limelight which is vip ...
And you want me to go with you
Yes and there's also an after party
Okay I will come with you but I will ask my dad if I can go and I will text you
Okay thanks you're the best
Ya Ye I know
Bye Girl

After that I decided to keep my promise and ask my dad.

// Text messages//

Hey dad Rosie just rang asking if I was able to go to a concert with her tomorrow night?
Yes you can
Thanks dad
Your welcome kiddo
With that I called Rosie and told her that I was able to go to the concert with her tomorrow night.

She said that she is picking me up at 7:30 tomorrow morning so that we can get ready for the concert together.

To be honest ever since my mum died I stoped going out as much as I did before everything happened but something tells me that I have to go to this concert and I don't know what.

Oh well guess I will find out tomorrow when we get there.

Tomorrow is going I be a long day and night.

With that I fell back to sleep without knowing what was yet to come.

( Authors note)

Hey guys so I hope that y'all are enjoying this book so far I am so sorry for the short chapter but it's currently 3:44 am in the morning and I haven't got to sleep yet and I had a really bad sleep last night because I kept on waking up to the point where I had to listen to same music to help me fall back to sleep.

Anyway don't forget to vote and comment and also go and check out my other books as well.

Remember to always wake up with a smile on you're face.

Know that you all a beautiful inside and out and don't bring yourself down or don't let others bring you down.

Okay I'm gonna go go.

Goodnight from me ♥️

Love 💓 y'all

( word count 600 )

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