Chapter 3

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The unfamiliar streets of the land where she was born made it hard to look for a girl that a name she only knows. Using her abilities she tried to look for her without letting anyone see her. It was hard to find someone but she's determined to do so. Wandering the streets for three days she was brought with her instincts to a mansion she found so huge. It was like a princess lived inside. Also, the dress code was different in the future she lived in and the people doesn't speak her language. It's weird and sad to witness the past situation of Korea. She decided to take a rest on the rooftop of the mansion.

"I travelled back in 1910? Looks like I'm finding an old lady?" She laughed to her thoughts about having an old woman as her mission. It was the era when Japan colonized Korea.

"And what are you doing here?" A voice came behind her. The girl spoke in japanese, she mentally thanked Momo for teaching her the language but then she realized. Chaeyoung froze, she knows she's using her ability. How could someone see her at this moment. Unless..

"Oh- I'm just-" When she turned around her world stops. A girl who stood with confusion plastered on her face, looking straight on her eyes. The girl she saw... was the girl in the painting.

"You what?" The girl were waiting for her answer. Chaeyoung can't say anything, it was like her mouth won't cooperate to her. The girl wore a loose white kimono with a beautiful flower pattern. Her hair straight and long and it look so silky and smooth when the wind lightly blows. Chaeyoung felt the mixed feelings again. The confusion and the tears that wanted to draw from her eyes. The girl in front of her is so beautiful and angelic. But then the expression of the girl turns into irritation, that's when she realized that she has been staring at her for a couple of minutes without saying anything.

"uhm gomenasai!" She bowed with all embarrassment. The stranger gave her a weird look just from her action.

"N-no need to bow just answer my first question" The girl awkwardly smiled to her. Chaeyoung could feel her face blushing hard at the moment.

"I-I was just wandering and my feet brought me here." Her answer rose more confusion to the girl's expression. Aish pabo Chaeyoung of course she'll find it impossible for a girl to come up here. She thought.

"uhm I should probably go hehe" she started to walk towards the exit but the girl's voice stopped her.

"You can stay. I don't mind" The girl sat on the bench facing the sunset. Chaeyoung contemplated if she's going to follow the girl or not. If the girl was really the person she's searching then she found her jackpot. Thinking that there would be nothing to be taken from her she made a safe distance from the girl and sat on the other end.

"My grandmother used to tell me that when the sun sets, there would be another sun that's going to rise" Chaeyoung does not know what the girl means but she continued to listen.

"She said that the universe is vast enough to have another world identical to ours" The stranger smiled while looking so melancholic to the sun. Chaeyoung wanted to read what's on her mind but it seems like there's a thick wall bounding it.

"Do you believe her?" Chaeyoung asked trying to make the atmosphere comfortable.

"I do. It wasn't impossible to think. The universe is big enough to make things possible" The girl never let go her stares at the sun and Chaeyoung found it beautiful seeing the sunlight reflects on her.

"So if I would say I am a Guardian you would believe me?" Chae doesn't know what came into her to ask such stupid thing. She's making it weird for the girl.

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