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"You've been my guardian angel, you saved me from the darkness"

I stared outside the window, the sun is starting to set.

"You were my light, you gave me happiness, remember when you saved me from the bullies? I was on the floor that time, and you pushed them away, punched them, beat them for just a minute, then you approached me, you sat on the floor and offered your hand, I looked at you Jeonghan, it was as if the world stopped and we're the only people in the school that time, my eyes were locked on you, you look like an angel that came down from heaven just to save me, you even said—"

"get up, we're catching too much attention, thank me when we're alone"

You said cutting me off, I looked at you, your eyes were locked on the sun setting fastly.

"Yes that's what you said"
I smiled

Our conversation continued looking back from the day we met, became close, not until your nurse came inside.

"Hi Jungyeon, Jeonghan time to take your medication." She said as she held the tray with different type of medicines.

I looked at you, pain in your eyes as you look at the medicines, I held your hand tight. You looked at me and I smiled at you.

"You'll get better, take them." I mumbled and you nodded, smiled a little, as if you were not convinced.

I bid my goodbye to you.I kissed your cheek before leaving you with the nurse, still giving you medications.

"I'll be back tomorrow morning, i'll take care of you for the whole day. I promise."

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